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K-Point: 75 m
Men Longest jump: 75.0 m (Franz Eder BRD, 1953-01-06)
75.0 m (Heini Ihle BRD, 1963-01-20)
Men Winter Hill record: 70.5 m (Heini Ihle BRD, 1963-01-20)
Further jumps: K38
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1952
Conversions: 1970's
Operating until: 1988
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 50.393395, 9.976551 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 50 m
Men Summer Hill record: 55.5 m (Seok-Jae Hwang KOR, 2017-09-10)
Women Longest jump: 49.5 m (Alexandria Loutitt CAN, 2019-07-20)
Women Summer Hill record: 49.0 m (Magdalena Burger GER, 2019-07-20)
49.0 m (Sina Kiechle GER, 2021-07-25)
Inrun length: 50.92 m
Take-off angle: 10.5°
Take-off height: 1.5 m
Landing angle: 33.9°
Year of construction: 1997
Coordinates: 50.393489, 9.976372 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: K30, K16 , K5
Plastic matting: yes
Conversions: 2005
Status: operating
Ski club: RWV Haselbach
Coordinates: 50.393489, 9.976372 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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The first ski jumping hill at Haselbach was set up at "Fischzucht" in 1950.
In the year of 1952 the construction of the „Kreuzbergschanzen“ had started and therewith a new groundwork for ski jumping in the Rhön was set. The opening of the facility with K85, which was built by Ernst Brönner from Aschaffenburg and was also called “Herbert-Hösch-Schanze”, took place on Januray 6, 1953, the first Bavarian Championships then took place in 1955.
In the year of 1992 ski jumping had to be stopped, because of technical lacks at the ski jumps.
Then in 1998 the reconstruction and opening of the “Kreuzbergschanzen” for summer and winter use, a modern ski jumping facility which fits the latest standards of equipment and regulations and makes an all-year-long practising and competitions possible with its plastic covering.
On 13 June, 1999 1,100 spectators watched the first summer competition hosted in the Rhön.
In the year 2002 it was the first time that a traditional competition on January 6 took place in front of 500 spectators on the K50, whereby Jens Greiner-Hiero of the WSV 08 Lauscha set up a new hill record of 54 meters.
In 2005 another important step to keep ski jumping alive in the Rhön was made, by covering also the K50 hill with around 11,000 plastic mattings and in 2006 the hill was made ready for summer ski jumping.
The recent record was set up at the matting opening competition in 2006.
Already in 1987, together with WSV Weissenbrunn, a project for the redeveloping of the Kreuzbergschanzen was founded. This project later received the name "Rhönadler" ("Eagles of Rhön") and consists of a dozen ski jumpers. Although WSV made the exit from the common contract of use of the ski jumps, the partnership is supposed to be continued. Even though this means, that RWV has to maintain the ski jumps on its own.

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