Fire destroys ski jumps in Biberau-Biberschlag
on 2022-06-14
Due to a fire, the ski jumping hills in Biberau-Biberschlag (Thuringia, Germany) were massively damaged. A news, which caused consternation not only in the region itself. The cause of the fire remains unclear, the criminial investigation department of the Suhl police assumes it was torching. Meanwhile, SV Biberau has established a donations account.
On Sunday morning, a tragedy for the local sports club of Biberau took place: Around 8 a.m., a short but hefty fire occured on the ski jumps in Roßbachtal, which burned down the plastic mattings completely. "Also the inruns of K10 and K17 hills were damaged", Felix Beiersdörfer, coach of SV Biberau, wrote in an email to our editorial.
Following first calculations, the damage of property is at least 100,000 Euros - despite the quick reaction of the firefighters of Schleusegrund, which extinguished the fire within 20 minutes according to 'inSüdthüringen'. "This means nothing less than the loss of the sportive home of the approximately 50 athletes", Beiersdörfer added.
Not too long before, the club was delighted after receiving funds for the modernization of the coaches' platform - however, this joy faded away after the events on Sunday morning - also due to the fact that the whole fundament of the landing hills has to be rebuilt.
SV Biberau received great support from ski jumping fans and activists via social media. The cause of the fire remains unclear, however the criminial investigation department of the Suhl police asssumes it was torching. Whether it was deliberate or negligent, might be known after the investigations.
Donations account SV Biberau e.V. after fire
Account owner: SV Biberau e.V.
IBAN: DE43 8409 4814 5523 5015 82
Volksbank Thüringen Mitte eG.
Purpose of payment: Hilfe für den SV Biberau e.V.
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