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Copper Peak: Funding of the renovation finally secured

on 2022-03-29

With a recently passed bill, the senate of Michigan has approved funding of 20 million US dollars for the renovation of the ski flying hill at Ironwood. The modernization as the world's largest summer hill could happen until 2024.

Efforts to revive Ironwood's former Copper Peak ski flying hill, last used in 1994, have been underway for over a decade. Already since 2013, there have been plans according to which the outdated facility should be modernized according to current regulations and converted into the world's largest plastic-covered ski jumping hill. The FIS promised that the summer ski flying in Ironwood should be the annual highlight and finale of the Summer Grand Prix.

In 2015 and 2017 decisive steps were taken to finance the project. In the end, however, the operating company Copper Peak Inc. was not able to secure the financing and the conversion project went quiet for a few years. However, in end of March 2022 the senate of the US state of Michigan has passed a massive infrastructure bill that includes $20 million to modernize the Copper Peak ski jump. It is hoped that the year-round operation of the ski jump and the staging of international competitions will generate over 10 million dollars in additional economic revenue per year in the structurally weak region.

Now that the financing has been secured, the detailed planning of the new ski jumping hill should start as soon as possible. While the unique 73-meter high inrun tower will essentially remain intact, the landing profile will require major changes to bring it up to current standards. In addition, it must of course be concreted and equipped with plastic mattings. To facilitate the planning, another FIS visit is planned for the summer. The works could be completed by fall 2024 and the first competitions could take place in 2025.

Ski Jumps:

USA Ironwood (Copper Peak)

Links: - Copper Peak Ski Jump set to receive $20 million in funding for renovations



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1)   Vincent Legend   wrote on 2023-04-29 at 06:32:

Vincent Legend

Thanks to the money FC Barcelona just obtained despite mounting debts, the Camp Nou stadium and its environs will undergo a significant .

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