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Mt. Itasca

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Ole Mangseth Memorial Ski Jump:

K-Point: 70 m
Men Winter Hill record: 78.0 m (Hunter Gibson USA, 2022-02-12)
Women Winter Hill record: 72.5 m (Jessica Jerome USA, 2002-03-02)
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 1941
Conversions: 1989, 1998
Coordinates: 47.283699, -93.449363 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

Wilson Memorial Hill:

K-Point: 40 m
Men Winter Hill record: 40.5 m (Andre Denney USA, 2009)
Women Winter Hill record: 29.0 m (Jessica Clift USA, 2015-02-22)
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1950
Conversions: 1978
Coordinates: 47.284308, -93.449797 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

Maki Hill:

K-Point: 20 m
Men Winter Hill record: 24.5 m (Jacob Larson USA, 2022-02-13)
24.5 m (Jacob Larson USA, 2022-02-13)
Women Winter Hill record: 22.5 m (Elisa Whiting USA, 2022-02-13)
Plastic matting: yes
Conversions: 2005
Coordinates: 47.284514, -93.449872 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

Rick Anderson Hill:

K-Point: 15 m
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 2017
Coordinates: 47.284844, -93.449896 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

Red Wing Hill:

K-Point: 8 m
Further jumps: K5
Plastic matting: no
Coordinates: 47.284595, -93.449126 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Status: operating
Ski club: Itasca Ski & Outing Club
Coordinates: 47.283699, -93.449363 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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The first ski jumping hill of Coleraine was built up in 1906 out of wooden battens and plates from a sawmill on the banks of Lake Trout. This jump was rebuilt in 1906 by the help of the U.S. Steel Incorporation. Years later a inrun tower made of steel was assembled and at that time the jump was one of the of the largest in whole Northern America.
In 1941 the tower had to be demolished and at the same time a new ski jumping hill was set up at Mt. Itasca skiing area. In order to honor his earnings, the new jump was named after Ole Mangseth, one of the founding fathers of the ski club in 1907. The 30 meter youth jump, on which many competitions had talen place until 1960’s, was constructed in 1950.
The competitions on the large hill, on which of course competed the best jumpers of America and from time to time also from Europe, always attracted loads of spectators and in winters with a lack of snow many helpers mad it possible to transport snow from the nearby frozen lakes onto the jump, in order to ensure ski jumping on there. In 1978 the youth hill K40 was renewed and inaugurated with the name “Wilson Memorial Hill”. Gene Wilson was one of the most successful jumpers of Coleraine and even Minnesota in 1930’s and 40’s. In 1950 he even was announced captain of the U.S. National Ski Team.
In the beginning 1990’s the support of regional companies, firms and also the sports association of Minnesota MASC made it possible to start the renovation of the whole winter sports centre at Mt. Itasca. The plastic covering of 70 meter hill was finished in 1998, the K20 in 2005. With the renovated facilities for alpine skiing, cross-country, biathlon and snowboarding this skiing centre is said to be one of the best in whole Central Division.

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Hill records K70 (Men):

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Hill records K20 (Men):

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Hill records K20 (Women):

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