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RUSRUS-PKudymkar Кудымкар

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K-Point: 70 m
Men Winter Hill record: 80.5 m (Artem Utev RUS, 2011-02-12)
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1977
Status: out of order
Coordinates: 59.026968, 54.626296 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Hill Size: HS 50
K-Point: 40 m
Men Winter Hill record: 49.5 m (Mikhail Purtov RUS, 2016-01-07)
Women Winter Hill record: 41.5 m (Anastasia Ivanenko RUS, 2019-01-05)
41.5 m (Valeria Rimdenok RUS, 2020-01-05)
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1964
Conversions: 2014
Status: operating
Coordinates: 59.027007, 54.625578 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 30 m
Men Winter Hill record: 28.0 m (Anatoly Raspopov SOV)
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 1961
Conversions: 2012
Status: operating
Coordinates: 59.027386, 54.624237 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Hill Size: HS 27
K-Point: 25 m
Men Winter Hill record: 29.0 m (Vladislav Skachilov RUS, 2011)
Women Winter Hill record: 26.5 m (Vitaliya Milovanova RUS, 2016-01-07)
26.5 m (Zmilija Skorobogatyh RUS, 2020-01-05)
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 1954
Conversions: 2008
Status: operating
Coordinates: 59.027333, 54.624234 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 5 m
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 2014
Status: operating
Coordinates: 59.026975, 54.626856 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Coordinates: 59.026968, 54.626296 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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The "Parma" ski jumping complex in Kudymkar has existed since 1954, when a 20-metre hill was built in the town with a record of 18 metres. The second, 30-metre hill, appeared in 1961 and the longest distance was performed by A. Raspopov with 28 metres. In 1964 another 40-metre hill was built, its record-holder was G. Pupyriev with 38 metres. In 1977 the complex was completed with a 60-metre hill, on which the longest jump was performed by K. Mazein with 59 metres. Of the local athletes, two became USSR champions and the ski jumps were the arenas for many competitions and games for youth.
In 2008, a K-25 hill was built, whose record in 2011 was set by Vladislav Skachilov, 29 metres. No renovation works were carried out on the older facilities for a long time, but in 2012 the K-30 was reconstructed, which was additionally covered with plastic mattings. In 2014, the K-40 facility was repaired and the smallest 5-metre hill was installed.
The largest K-70 is currently not used, due to its proximity to the shoreline of the Kuva River it is only usable in winter anyway, but there are not enough people to take care of its preparation. Young jumpers don't need this ski jumping hill much, when they enter a more serious level of training they use the complex in Tchaikovsky.

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Hill records K70 (Men):

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Hill records K40 (Men):

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Hill records K40 (Women):

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Hill records K25 (Women):

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1)   Michał Dadej   wrote on 2012-03-08 at 21:34:

Last photo

Kudymkar or Mezhdurechensk ??

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