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Trampolino Fratelli Nogara:

Hill Size: HS 100
K-Point: 90 m
Men Winter Hill record: 97.0 m (Hyun-Ki Kim KOR, 2003-01-18, UNI)
Inrun length: 84.3 m
Inrun angle: 35°
Take-off length: 6.3 m
Take-off angle: 11°
Take-off height: 2.25 m
Speed: 84.96 km/h
Ratio h/n: 0.565
Landing angle: 34.5°
Plastic matting: no
Conversions: 2002
Status: out of order
K90 (2002-...)K90 (1990-2002)K80 (1970-1990)

Trampolino Fratelli Nogara:

K-Point: 60 m
Plastic matting: no
Status: destroyed
Hill Size: HS 36
K-Point: 31 m
Conversions: 2005
Hill Size: HS 25
K-Point: 21 m
Conversions: 2005
K-Point: 11 m
Year of construction: 2016
K-Point: 7 m
Year of construction: 2018
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 1970
Status: operating
Ski club: SC Monte Lussari
Coordinates: 46.499153, 13.591472 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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The Fratelli Nogara ski jumping hill was constructed in 1970 for the European Junior Championships in 1972. In the same year the Kongsberg Cup was held there. Furthermore, Tarvisio was part of the Three-Countries-Tournament with Austria, Italy and Slovenia/Yugoslavia from 1971 until end 1980s. In December 1985 even the World Cup of Nordic Combined was staged there.
Tarviso hosted the international Winter Universiade in 2003, and therefor the ski jump was reactivated and reconstructed as a 90 meter hill (HS 96, later HS 100) around 2002. In March 2007, the Nordic Junior WSC were organized at Tarvisio, but due to lack of snow the jumping events had to be moved to Planica. Since then no international competitions have been hosted there and since early 2010s the hill has been out of order.
On 2005-08-27 both youth hills K31 & K21 were reopened during a children’s Alpe-Adria summer tournament competition after being renovated and covered with new plastic mattings. Around 2016 a K11 ski jump was added on the same hill and in 2018 another plastic covered K7 ski jump was built. SC Monte Lussari is still active in training young ski jumpers and the junior hills in Tarvisio are part of the annual children's Alpe-Adria-Tournament.

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Hill records K90 (Men):

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5)   Michał Dadej   wrote on 2011-11-03 at 22:55:

Hill records

Nie zauważyłem, że zostały dodane, dzięki za informację. Oczywiście, że MŚJ nie było w Tarvisio.

4)   Artur   wrote on 2011-11-03 at 22:29:

I naprawdę proszę o dokładne sprawdzanie informacji przed ich wpisaniem na stronę, bo potem wychodzą takie właśnie rzeczy. Może dacie mi tutaj uprawnienia korektora, co? :P

3)   Artur   wrote on 2011-11-03 at 22:28:

Po 1. Dzięki za dodanie moich zdjęć :)
Po 2. Halo halo, co to za rekordy?! Przecież MŚJ 2007 nie odbyły się ostatecznie w Tarvisio, tylko na skoczni K90 w Planicy! Tak więc proszę o wykasowanie tych wyników.

2)   Lorenzo Fadini   wrote on 2011-05-12 at 18:45:

Secondo me questo trampolino si dovrebbe migliorare

Questo trampolino è l'unico in Friuli ed è per questo che secondo me dovrebbe essere valorizzato.
Dovrebbe esssere migliorato e magari allungato se possibile,spero che la regione e il comune di Tarvisio decidano di migliorarlo

1)   chmielsoft   wrote on 2011-04-20 at 23:43:

The man, who designed this hill must has been on drugs! :) Look at this landing, haha!

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