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AUTAUT-STBad Mitterndorf


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Hill Size: HS 235
K-Point: 200 m
Men Longest jump: 247.5 m (Žiga Jelar SLO, 2023-01-27, WC)
Men Winter Hill record: 244.0 m (Peter Prevc SLO, 2016-01-16, SFWC)
Women Longest jump: 200.0 m (Daniela Iraschko-Stolz AUT, 2003-01-29)
Inrun length: 117.4 m
Inrun angle: 35.3°
Take-off length: 8 m
Take-off angle: 11.3°
Take-off height: 4.75 m
Speed: 108 km/h
Landing angle: 33.5°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Conversions: 2014
Status: operating
K200 (2014-...)K185 (1985-2014)K152 (1974-1984)K144 (1961-1974)K120 (1952-1961)K95 (1950-1952)


K-Point: 90 m
Year of construction: 1953
Operating until: 1975
Year of destruction: 1984
Status: destroyed


Hill Size: HS 70
K-Point: 65 m
Further jumps: K40, K20
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 2014
Status: project not realized
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: no
Spectator capacity: 40,000
Year of construction: 1949
Conversions: 1953, 1961, 1974, 1985, 2004, 2014
Status: operating
Ski club: WSC Bad Mitterndorf
Coordinates: 47.547770, 13.993428 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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Already since 1909 there have been ski jumping hills at Bad Mitterndorf, in the Styrian part of Salzkammergut, at Zauchen and later also on Tauplitzalm. With a spirit of optimism after World War II, in 1948-49, the new giant's hill was built below Kulmkogel, near the village of Tauplitz. At that time Hubert Neuper senior was the most promising ski jumping talent from Mitterndorf and was allowed to perform the inaugural jump over 96 meters in 1950. The opening competition was attended by around 10,000 spectators and winner was Rudi Dietrich with a record jump of 103 meters - however, jumps over 135 meters were supposed to be possible.
In 1953, the international ski flying week of the ski flying association KOP (Kulm-Oberstdorf-Planica), predecessor of the ski flying world championships, was held at Kulm for the first time. Winner was Sepp Bradl. Over the following years, the hill was frequently enlarged. After improvements made prior to the 1962 ski flying week, Peter Lesser set up a first world record at Bad Mitterndorf with 141 meters.
From the 1950s to the 1980s, there was also a smaller snow ski jumping hill on Kulm, which was built every year slightly to the left of the larger hill (on the same landing slope). Before the first flying competition in 1950, qualifications were organized there. For several years it was possible to achieve distances of about 100 meters on this hill. The last competition at this facility was organized in 1975, and after the modernization of Kulm in 1985, it was completely removed.
Prior to the first Ski Flying World Championships at Kulm in 1975, the first wind net was installed to protect ski fliers. A fundamental conversion of the flying hill as K185 took place in 1984/85 for the 1986 SFWC. Furthermore, the wind net was enlarged to a height of 25 m. Side-winds of 8 m/s could thus be reduced to only 2.5 m/s. During those SFWC, Andreas Felder could set up the third and so far last world record at Kulm with 191 meters.
Also the ski jumping ladies haven’t avoided visiting the ski jump, as in 1997 Austria’s Eva Ganster jumped here as the first woman on a ski flying hill on 167 m and didn’t not only enter the Guiness Book of World Records, but set up a new world record in ladies ski jumping. In January 2003 her fellow countrywoman Daniela Iraschko flew in her third jump on 200 m and improved the old World Record by fabolous 33 m!
Lately, for the Ski Flying World Championship in 2016 the flying hill was modernized in 2014. For around 4.2 million Euros the take-off was moved 8 meters higher and 21 meters back on the existing natural inrun, the knoll was enlarged and the landing hill adapted, such that Kulm hill could be enlarged on K200 / HS 225. As part of these works, the construction of three plastic covered junior hills HS 70, HS 45, HS 25 was also planned in order to subsitute the out-dated Heilbrunnschanzen. However, this was never realized.
Ski flying weeks (1953, 1956, 1959, 1962, 1965 & 1968), Ski Flying World Championships (1975, 1986, 1996, 2006 & 2016) and Ski Flying World Cup competitions have long tradition at Tauplitz and the “fascination of ski flying” is always a well-celebrated international sports event at the Kulm.

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37)   Radosław Pajka   wrote on 2023-10-27 at 15:06:

skocznia w Bad Mitterndorf

To jest najlepsza skocznia mamucia, jaką znam. Można tam latać nawet powyżej 220 m, a i nawet powyżej 230 m. Tak do 240 m. Sam prowadzę w zeszytach skocznie na prąd w szwedzkim Lahtesal. Kiedyś tworzyłem w zeszytach do poszczególnych spisów skocznie narciarskie 170 - metrowe.

36)   Marco   wrote on 2020-01-26 at 23:18:

Kulm Frauenrekord

Den ersten Damen-Skiflugweltrekord hielt Eva Ganster (AUT), welcher Februar 1997 im Rahmen des Skiflug-WC's der Herren aufgestellt wurde. Dort war sie Vorspringerin. Mit 167 m landete sie auch im Guinnes-Buch der Rekorde! Bitte diesen Rekord noch eintragen!

35)   pietrek   wrote on 2018-06-16 at 10:38:


Proszę o poprawkę w datach w sekcji rekordów. Weissflog skoczył 201m 8 lutego 1996 r., Ahonen uzyskał 200m dzień później co znaczy, że nigdy nie był oficjalnym rekordzistą skoczni.

34)   Stian   wrote on 2018-01-17 at 06:51:


I think Roar Ljokelsoy had the hill record in this hill by 225m for several years before Harry Olli flied further.

33)   rob   wrote on 2018-01-10 at 10:51:

Stoch supporter

I wish all the jumpers, but especially the Polish team members,lots of succes.
Kamil is on a winning streak so hope to see him on the highest stage once again.
Looking forward to watching the jumping this weekend !!

31)   Marco   wrote on 2016-01-16 at 22:56:

Peter Prevc (SLO) hat den eigenen Rekord am Kulm heute um 1 Meter verbessert. Der Schanzenrekord liegt jetzt bei 244,0 m

30)   manuzieg   wrote on 2015-12-17 at 19:59:

Inrun length is 117.4 m (as it's written in certificate), not 109.4 m. It has to be corrected.

29)   igorak   wrote on 2015-06-26 at 10:57:

To skocznia gdzie tam groźny upadek miał Austriak Thomas Morgenstern w piątek 10.01.2014. (na treningu jescze przed sesją kwalifikacyjną)

28)   wrote on 2015-01-11 at 16:52:


Auf Skiflugschanzen zählen Schanzenrekord auch im Training.
Die FIS führt auch Severion Freund mit 237,5 Metern als Rekordhalter, siehe z.B.
Startliste von heute.

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