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RUSRUS-PAlmetyevsk Альметьевск

Gorodskoy Maydan

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Gorodskoy Maydan:

K-Point: 50 m
Plastic matting: no
Further jumps: K30, K25, K15, K10, K5
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 1977
Conversions: 2019
Status: operating
Coordinates: 54.924106, 52.282450 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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Ski jumping had its beginning in Almetyevsk in 1977, when enthusiastic Nordic combined athletes A.M. Kotov and V.N. Naimushin came here from Kirov. They organised the first training courses for ski jumpers and started the construction of the Snezhinka ski complex in the Potashkinsko-Polyansky forestry area north of Almetyevsk. In March 1977 a 20-metre ski jumping hill appeared in the base area and in summer of the same year a 50-metre facility was completed. Later the complex expanded and additional training ski jumps were built. Future national youth champions and other outstanding local sportsmen grew up here. In the second half of the 1980s, skiers from Almetyevsk went further and started to build 70- and 90-metre ski jumping hills near the main base. Lack of adequate funding, the collapse of the sports schools, an exodus of athletes - the construction stopped, although local residents probably remember the facilities, many of them even going up there to take beautiful photos of the city skyline. Later, the ski jumps were dismantled for safety reasons. The training facility complex was no better: there was a lack of funds for renovations, maintenance was expensive and fewer and fewer children came to the school for training. However, thanks to the moral and material help of enthusiasts and former pupils of the school, the base and training centre was preserved.
Since 1989, the school was maintained as a sports club. In 2013, with the support of the district sports institutions, a Nordic Combined branch was reopened in Almetyevsk. Its founders gradually brought the site back to life, manually digging the necessary excavations, laying the foundations, building a new complex. Without hesitation, they invested their energy and resources to achieve their goal.
The president of the Almetyevsk Ski Federation has set his sights on Nordic Combined as a rather dynamic and colourful sport that is developing at a great pace in this oil city. The reconstructed sports and training complex is the venue for many competitions for children and young people, and it is planned to become an arena for events at the all-Russian level.

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