Warning: Undefined array key 6 in /customers/0/2/4/skisprungschanzen.com/httpd.www/source/address.php on line 199 Felix-Gottwald-Schisprungstadion Uttenhofen, Saalfelden  »  Ski Jumping Hill Archive  »  skisprungschanzen.com

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AUTAUT-SSaalfelden am Steinernen Meer

Felix-Gottwald-Schisprungstadion Uttenhofen

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Hill Size: HS 94
K-Point: 85 m
Men Winter Hill record: 91.0 m (Fabian Trausnitz AUT, 2025-02-02)
91.0 m (Clemens Vinatzer AUT, 2025-02-02)
Women Winter Hill record: 83.5 m (Anežka Indráčková CZE, 2025-02-01)
Year of construction: 2024
Coordinates: 47.433755, 12.813345 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K85 (2024-...)K85 (1986-2023)


Hill Size: HS 65
K-Point: 60 m
Men Winter Hill record: 68.0 m (Christian Reiter AUT, 2005-03-19)
68.0 m (Aaron Hochenegg AUT, 2025-01-11)
Men Summer Hill record: 68.0 m (Thomas Egger-Riedmüller AUT, 2005-07-14)
Women Winter Hill record: 63.0 m (Anna Katharina Brandner AUT, 2025-01-11)
Inrun length: 80.1 m
Inrun angle: 30°
Take-off length: 5.8 m
Take-off angle: 9.5°
Take-off height: 1.5 m
Speed: 78.1 km/h
Landing angle: 31.2°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Year of construction: 1986
Conversions: 2004
Coordinates: 47.433846, 12.813885 Google Maps OpenStreetMap


K-Point: 30 m
Inrun length: 66.150 m
Inrun angle: 25°
Take-off length: 4.8 m
Take-off angle:
Take-off height: 1.150 m
Speed: 58.7 km/h
Landing angle: 28.5°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Year of construction: 2004
Coordinates: 47.434028, 12.814491 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: K15
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 1978
Conversions: 1986, 2004
Status: operating
Ski club: Schiklub Saalfelden
Coordinates: 47.433755, 12.813345 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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At the north-eastern slope of 1884 meter high Biberg in Uttenhofen, a village district of Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer, the ski club constructed a first ski jumping hill with the support of the armed forces sports club (HSV) Saalfelden in 1978, which was meant as an addition to the existing ski jumps at Kühbühel. However, after only a couple of years the hill was completely destroyed due to a landslide resulting from construction deficiencies.
After that, the decision was made to built a complete nordic ski training center at Biberg - there is even a nordic middle school at Saalfelden. In 1986-87 two new hills could be built with the Bibergschanze-K85 and the Walter-Sailer-Schanze-K45. Then, the Nordic Junior World Championships were held at Saalfelden, and later again in 1999. In 2004 the two smaller jumps with plastic covering were built and the K45 hill was enlarged into a K60 with mattings. The opening ceremony took place on 2004-10-10 and for this occasion the ski jumping complex was named after the Olympic champion and SK Saalfelden member as “Felix-Gottwald-Schisprungstadion“.
Besides both JWSCs, many international competitions such as Nordic Combined World Cups, ski jumping Continental Cups and Ladies Grand Prix have been held on Bibergschanze until late 2000s. Meanwhile, it has become calmer around the hills in Uttenhofen.

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Hill records K85 (Men):

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Hill records K85 (Women):

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Hill records K60 (Men):

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Hill records K60 (Women):

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6)   Krystof Adamek   wrote on 2024-01-03 at 10:52:


K85 is getting reactivated and will have matting so conversions 2024 and soon matting

5)   Dirk Heinevetter   wrote on 2023-02-10 at 19:27:


Guten Tag,
ich habe über Jochen Schweizer einen Skisprungkurs geschenkt bekommen und möchte gerne in Erfahrung bringen wann ich diesen in Anspruch nehmen kann.

Ich danke für kurze Info.
Telefon: 01523 - 43 90 487

Viele Grüße,
Dirk Heinevetter

2)   Bernd Hebel   wrote on 2018-01-15 at 21:11:

Drei-Tannen-Schanze (40 m)

Südlich des Ortszentrums von Saalfelden an einer markanten Geländekante des Kühbüchels entstand 1926 die heute nicht mehr existierende Drei-Tannen-Schanze (40 m) sowie 1927 eine kleinere Jugendschanze: https://www.sn.at/wiki/index.php?title=Drei-Tannen-Schanze

1)   Artur   wrote on 2011-03-09 at 21:27:

Skocznia K85

Skocznia K85 posiada igelit? Żadne zdjęcie tego nie pokazuje.

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