Warning: Undefined array key 5 in /customers/0/2/4/skisprungschanzen.com/httpd.www/source/address.php on line 225 MS 1970, Štrbské Pleso  »  Ski Jumping Hill Archive  »  skisprungschanzen.com

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SVKŠtrbské Pleso

MS 1970

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MS 1970:

Hill Size: HS 125
K-Point: 120 m
Men Winter Hill record: 128.5 m (Sergei Bobrov BLR, 1999-01-29, UNI)
Men Winter Official hill record: 123.5 m (Stephan Zünd SUI, 1991-03-30, WC)
123.5 m (Stephan Zünd SUI, 1991-03-30, WC)
Women Winter Hill record: 94.0 m (Anita Wold NOR, 1974-03-16)
Take-off angle: 11.5°
Landing angle: 37°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1969
Conversions: 1984, 1988
Coordinates: 49.128084, 20.056029 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Hill Size: HS 100
K-Point: 90 m
Men Winter Hill record: 100.0 m (Kenneth Gangnes NOR, 2009-02-06, JWSC)
100.0 m (Ilmir Hazetdinov RUS, 2015-01-31, UNI)
Men Summer Hill record: 102.5 m (Dawid Kowal POL, 2009-09-13, FIS)
Women Longest jump: 98.0 m (Juliane Seyfarth GER, 2009-02-06, L-JWSC)
Women Winter Hill record: 97.5 m (Coline Mattel FRA, 2009-02-06, L-JWSC)
Take-off angle: 10.5°
Landing angle: 33.5°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 1967
Conversions: 1982, 1998
Coordinates: 49.128555, 20.056207 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Status: out of order
Ski club: ŠKP Štrbské Pleso
Coordinates: 49.128084, 20.056029 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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Štrbské Pleso is only a small town in the Vysoké Tarty community, which hosted the Nordic WSC in 1935. At that time the ski jumping took place on the newly constructed Jarolímek-K72.5.
This ski jump stood until 1962, but then it had to be removed for the new-construction of the WSC hills for 1970. First the K88 “MS 1970 B” and after that the K110 “MS 1970 A” were built for the WSC in 1970. There up to 140,000 spectators shall have attended the large hill event with Gari Napalkov becoming double world champion.
After the plastic covering of K88 in 1982, the large hill was converted into a K114 in 1984 and only four years later into a K120, which is still today in the same condition and no more used in international competitions because of its age. In 1991 the last World Cup took place on K120.
However, the “MS 1970 B” is still in use and was converted into a K90 plastic covered hill in 1998. In 1990, 2000 and 2009 the K90 hill was host of Junior World Championships.
Winter Universiade even took place twice at Štrbské Pleso respectively Poprad Tatry with ski jumping competitions on both "MS 1970" ski jumps at Štrbské Pleso. The large hill record of Sergei Bobrov from Belorussia is still dating from the university games in 1999.
In 2010 the guardrails of K90 hill and a functional building were modernized. The brittle wooden boards of the concrete inrun tower were removed in spring 2012 and the tower freshly painted, so at least the optical impression got improved. A reactivation of the jump is not planned.

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Hill records K120 (Men):

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Hill records K120 (Women):

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Hill records K90 (Men):

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Hill records K90 (Women):

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11)   Kryštof Adámek   wrote on 2023-11-16 at 19:52:


the normal hill is out of order since 2015 but it is still good condition and renovation is planned as Harrachov team inspected the hill

10)   Mike   wrote on 2015-03-13 at 15:38:

Ladies hill record

Coline Mattel 97,5 m in 6.2.2009 JWSC 1st round


9)   Jensen   wrote on 2015-01-26 at 14:47:

Weltcup in der Slovakei

Schade, daß es keinen Weltcup in Štrbské Pleso gibt.
Ich denke, da würden jede Menge Zuschauer kommen und das Skispringen in der Region wieder beleben.

8)   Torsten   wrote on 2013-03-02 at 14:26:

Rekorde K120

Der Skispringer, der 1989 zwischenzeitlich den Rekord auf der K120 mit 124m hielt, heißt mit vollem Namen Andrej Werwejkin und sprang damals noch für die Sowjetunion.

7)   Eric2022   wrote on 2012-01-07 at 18:13:

Schade, das die Großschanze außer Betrieb ist.

6)   Artur   wrote on 2012-01-07 at 14:33:

Skocznia K120

I tutaj skocznia K120 nie jest już w użytku, więc proszę zrobić adnotację.

5)   Michał Dadej   wrote on 2011-07-08 at 12:55:



4)   Michał Dadej   wrote on 2011-07-02 at 17:08:

Baza danych

Co więcej w bazie danych jest Kenneth Ganges a nie Gangnes

3)   Michał Dadej   wrote on 2011-07-02 at 17:02:


Przepraszam nie sprawdziłem tego wcześniej. Jak pisałem opis napisałem dobrze, a reszta była ze starego archiwum, więc nie miałem na to wpływu. Po to jesteś drodzy czytelnicy, żeby wyłapywać te błędy. Ja nie jestem w stanie wszystkiego sprawdzić. Dzięki serdeczne i proszę o dalsze uwagi. Oczywiście zaraz poprawię wszystko

2)   Artur   wrote on 2011-07-02 at 16:30:

Rekordzista dużej skoczni

Rekordzista dużej skoczni - Sergei Bobrov jest Białorusinem, nie Bułgarem! Za dużo błędów na tej stronie...

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