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Muir Knoll

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Hoofers Ski Jump:

K-Point: 35 m
Men Winter Hill record: 42.1 m (138 ft) (Art Daggett USA)
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1919
Conversions: 1933
Year of destruction: 1957
Status: destroyed
Ski club: Hoofers Club
Coordinates: 43.076709, -89.402704 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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In 1919 the University of Wisconsin at Madison Athletic Director Tom Jones helped a group of students construct a wooden ski jumping hill atop “Muir Knoll”. The jump’s outrun lead onto Lake Mendota, but included a very steep drop which caused many jumpers to fall. The sport gradually gained popularity among students, but the jump's deteriorating condition necessitated its removal in 1931. The wooden planks from the first jump somehow made their way to a homecoming bonfire in 1930.
The newly-formed Hoofers Club promptly launched a campaign to replace the old jump with a permanent steel structure. Students volunteered their labor to regrade and improve the hill. The Memorial Union Board and the Class of 1932 between them contributed $1,000; and the Hoofers raised the balance through various money-raising projects and solicitations. The result was a professional ski jump 17 meters high and 33 meters long that was dedicated before 4,000 spectators in an impressive ceremony on February 11, 1933, followed by a competition between 50 of the best ski jumpers in the middle west.
The Muir Knoll ski jump thereafter became an iconic symbol of the campus, much used by student jumpers and for hosting regional ski meets in the winter and, importantly, as a popular lake-viewing and nocturnal trysting spot throughout the year.
In World War II soldier used the hill for maneuver and in 1957 it was finally destructed, but the inrun tower re-used in nearby Hoyt Park.

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9)   Eric Amlie   wrote on 2024-12-17 at 16:47:

Stewart Lake park ski jump

There is a sign board at the park with a couple photos of the ski jump. It says that in 1920 it was dismantled and moved to the UW campus. This doesn't jibe with the Muir Knoll jump, and I haven't been able to find any other sources that mention it. Does anyone know anything about this?

8)   John Nondorf   wrote on 2023-09-15 at 21:45:

not Muir Knoll?

I suspect image #7 is not Muir Knoll. There would not have been trees so close beyond the landing area as that would have been the lake. Could that have been taken after the relocation in Hoyt Park?

7)   skisprungschanzen.com   wrote on 2013-11-10 at 14:04:


Thank you very much for the info. I changed location, I hope it is correct now

6)   RJ Samp   wrote on 2013-11-09 at 22:36:

UW Madison Muir Knoll Ski Jump

The Location is wrong. Muir Knoll is over by the Union and Science Hall. The outrun went right out into Lake Mendota, not the marshes of the eventual Lot 60 Athletic Field.

5)   Jon Nelson   wrote on 2013-03-05 at 17:15:

Madison Jumping Hills

I suggest contacting Tom Daggett at the following blog: http://skiflier.blogspot.com/

4)   skisprungschanzen.com   wrote on 2013-03-04 at 22:21:

Hoyt Park Jump

Thank you very much for your research about Muir Knoll and Hoyt Park Ski Jump, I will add it later on!
Do you also know some more about Shorewood Hills / Bradley Park Jump?

3)   Jon Nelson   wrote on 2013-03-04 at 13:29:

Hoyt Park jump

There is additional information on this jump. If you Google "Hoyt Park ski jump", you will find information on size, hill record, and a photo. It appears there was a earlier jump at this location from at least 1949, but i'm correct that the Muir Knoll jump was moved there in 1957. Here is a summary: early jump--35 ft high (9.14m); jump length, 18.3m. later jump--probably the same as Muir Knoll, hill record, 96 feet (29.3m).

2)   Jon Nelson   wrote on 2013-03-03 at 17:05:

Hoyt (Sunset) jump

Here is a link to a Madison Parks description and a video from the 1960s of the Shorewood and Hoyt (Sunset) Park jumps. The Sunset jump appears to be dismantled, but no information on the date, etc. Someone in the Blackhawk Ski Club is likely to know.


1)   Jon Nelson   wrote on 2013-03-03 at 15:10:

Jump moved

I remember that this jump was moved to a city park -- Sunset Park on Madison's near west side. I don't know if it is still there. The Park also operated a ice tobaggon slide in the winter that was lots of fun.

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