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Big Nansen Ski Jump:

K-Point: 82 m
Men Winter Hill record: 75.0 m (Seppo Hirvonen FIN, 1977-02-27)
Women Winter Hill record: 72.0 m (Johanne Kolstad NOR, 1938-03-06)
Women Winter Official hill record: 69.5 m (Johanne Kolstad NOR, 1938-03-06)
Tower height: 52 m
Inrun length: 79 m
Inrun angle: 37.5°
Status: out of order

Nansen Ski Jump:

Hill Size: HS 44
K-Point: 39 m
Further jumps: K10
Year of construction: 2021
Status: operating
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1938
Conversions: 2021
Ski club: Nansen Ski Club
Coordinates: 44.533341, -71.170636 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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The 1872 founded Nansen Ski Club is the oldest one of the United States and was one of the most famous clubs of the whole country in 1920’s. So already in this time a ski jumping hill was built, on which distances of up to 40 meters could be jumped. In 1927 this jump was enlarged into a 45 meter hill.
Then in 1936 the "National Youth Administration" started the construction of “Big Nansen” ski jumping hill at the road to Milan. Two years later the 80 meter hill was inaugurated with the U.S. Olympic Trials. In the following decades many large competitions, tournaments and trials were held on the jump, but then the ski club retained of ski jumping in 1982 and the jump began to dilapidate.
The giant wooden structure of the 52 meter high and 37.5° steep inrun tower has been dilapidating and could no longer be accessed since 1990, with bushes and trees growing on the outrun. In spring 2014 the New Hampshire administration decided to make the hill accessible again as a historic landmark and removed the bushes.
In March 2017 the hill was even reactivated for a jump by world champion Sarah Hendrickson. This promotion event served as the starting signal for the efforts of the “Friends of the Nansen Ski Jump” to make the hill in Milan Hill State Park usable again on a permanent basis. In 2019, the necessary funding of 250,000 dollars was acquired. Due to the corona pandemic, however, there were delays in the planning and implementation of the modernization works. In June 2021 the first phase of the restoration of “The Big Nansen” could begin. Besides the renovation of the K82 ski jump, also two new junior jumping hills with K39 and K10 were built. They could already be inaugurated in January 2022.

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Hill records K82 (Women):

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5)   Kate   wrote on 2017-03-08 at 00:15:

Nansen Jump Renovations

Knollstone Contracting restored the jump this past winter, and finished in February 2017. http://www.knollstonecontracting.com/

4)   Alex Miller   wrote on 2017-03-07 at 17:34:

They jumped this hill this winter.

3)   Ace   wrote on 2017-01-27 at 18:58:

Nansen Ski Jump restored 2017

Video update:

2)   Artur   wrote on 2015-12-22 at 09:31:

Nansen Ski Jump in 2015

Great video:

1)   juki   wrote on 2011-01-15 at 17:59:

Die schanz soll erichte werden

Dise schanz ist einzei in berlin und wider errichtet werden

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