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Hidden Valley Ski Jump:

K-Point: 72 m
Men Winter Hill record: 74.5 m (Steve Sydow USA)
Tower height: 45.7 m
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 1985
Coordinates: 47.902005, -91.818025 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 45 m
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 1959
Coordinates: 47.902131, -91.818047 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 20 m
Further jumps: K10
Plastic matting: no
Coordinates: 47.904213, -91.817050 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Year of construction: 1926
Conversions: 1959, 1985
Year of destruction: 2003
Status: destroyed
Ski club: Ely Ski Club
Coordinates: 47.902005, -91.818025 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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The history of Nordic skiing in Ely goes back to 1888. The first 30-meter ski jumping hill was built in 1923 on a hill southwest of Central Avenue and Pattison Street. A little later there was the first 35-meter hill in Hidden Valley, which was moved from Battle Creek, Michigan. Already at that time, there were numerous ski jumpers in Ely who were quite successful.
In 1959, the K45 ski jump at Hidden Valley was added. In the following years, there were up to 60 ski jumpers in the Ely Ski Club! In 1980, Jim Grahek was the first to be an Olympian. In 1982, the construction of the large 70 meter hill started, which was opened in 1985 by Matti Nykänen! The construction of the hill cost $ 530,000 and required countless hours of volunteer work. There were even two World Cup team competitions in Nordic combined in 1986 and 1989.
Due to the economic downturn in the mining region and the general decline in interest in ski jumping, the ski jumps in the Hidden Valley became increasingly orphaned, especially from 1993 onwards. There was also a larger, more attractive winter sports area in Biwabik, 45 minutes away. Finally, the two inrun towers were dismantled in 2003 and brought from Ely, Minnesota to Fox River Grove, 60 km from Chicago - for the symbolic purchase price of $1. There the towers were rebuilt and a new ski jump was built.

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4)   Bart Lockhart   wrote on 2023-06-05 at 22:06:

I'd buy THAT for a dollar..

Ha... I DID in fact buy that jump for one dollar.
As president of the Norge ski club I negotiated with the City of Ely to purchase the jump which was soon to be dismantled for scrap. Fabrication for a new jump like the Ely jump was over 850K in 2002.
I liked the dollar price better
We moved the jump to Chicago and re erected it on the NORGE hill. I was there the day the above shot with the giant crane was taken.
We dismantled it and put the steel on 18 flatbed Semi trucks and convoyed 600 miles to Chicago. The last winter Olympics featured jumpers from Chicago not Park City, Steamboat or Lake Placid. One dollar. Careful what you wish for...

3)   Patrick Daggett   wrote on 2023-01-21 at 03:24:

Holy Crap

That pic of the Standing Jumper is ME!!!

2)   C E   wrote on 2022-07-26 at 00:16:

1926 photo in Ely newspaper


1)   Mark   wrote on 2015-09-28 at 23:38:

One of the best parts of jumping at Hidden Valley was there was a rope-tow alongside the landing. A jumper did not have to climb steps back up to the top to climb the tower for another jump. Riders were able to get many more rides in the same amount of time than they otherwise would have been.

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