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SUISUI-06Einsiedeln Eschbach

Schanzen Einsiedeln

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Andreas Küttel-Schanze:

Hill Size: HS 117
K-Point: 105 m
Men Longest jump: 125.5 m (Domen Prevc SLO, 2015-09-06, OPA)
Men Summer Hill record: 122.0 m (Simon Ammann SUI, 2011-10-09, N-SUI)
Men Summer Official hill record: 121.0 m (Gregor Schlierenzauer AUT, 2008-08-01, SGP)
Women Longest jump: 115.5 m (Julina Kreibich GER, 2024-09-29)
Women Summer Hill record: 113.0 m (Salome Fuchs SUI, 2006-08-31)
Inrun length: 101 m
Inrun angle: 35°
Take-off length: 6.7 m
Take-off angle: 10.5°
Take-off height: 3.25 m
Speed: 91 km/h
Landing angle: 36.9°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Coordinates: 47.136578, 8.738005 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

Simon Ammann-Schanze:

Hill Size: HS 77
K-Point: 70 m
Men Summer Hill record: 79.5 m (Klemens Murańka POL, 2008-08-01)
Women Longest jump: 78.0 m (Daniela Vasilica Haralambie ROU, 2016-09-03, L-FIS)
Women Summer Hill record: 77.5 m (Selina Freitag GER, 2016-09-11, L-OPA)
Women Summer Official hill record: 75.0 m (Agnes Reisch GER, 2014-09-13, L-OPA)
75.0 m (Agnes Reisch GER, 2014-09-13, L-OPA)
75.0 m (Agnes Reisch GER, 2014-09-14, L-OPA)
75.0 m (Nika Križnar SLO, 2015-09-06, L-OPA)
75.0 m (Jerneja Brecl SLO, 2016-09-11, L-OPA)
Inrun length: 94 m
Inrun angle: 30°
Take-off angle: 10.5°
Take-off height: 2.4 m
Speed: 81 km/h
Landing angle: 35.5°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Coordinates: 47.136278, 8.738002 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

Große KPT-Schanze:

Hill Size: HS 50
K-Point: 45 m
Men Summer Hill record: 50.0 m (Andreas Schuler SUI, 2005-10-16)
Women Summer Hill record: 45.5 m (Melinda Schoch SUI, 2022-10-15)
Take-off angle:
Landing angle: 30.5°
Coordinates: 47.136083, 8.738330 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

Kleine KPT-Schanze:

Hill Size: HS 28
K-Point: 25 m
Men Winter Hill record: 22.5 m (Pascal Kälin SUI, 2006-02-25)
Men Summer Hill record: 22.0 m (Matteo Otto SUI, 2022-10-15)
Women Summer Hill record: 18.5 m (Linda Imhof SUI, 2022-10-15)
Take-off angle:
Landing angle: 28.8°
Coordinates: 47.136773, 8.739432 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

Probeschanze Eschbach:

K-Point: 20 m
Year of construction: 2001
Year of destruction: 2003
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 47.13644, 8.73960 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 2005
Conversions: 2021
Status: operating
Ski club: Skiclub Einsiedeln
Coordinates: 47.136578, 8.738005 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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The first hill in Eschbach near Einsiedeln was opened in 2001, but only three years later the K20 "trial ski jump" was demolished already.
In 2003, the works for a new Swiss national ski jumping complex, which includes four hills K105, K70, K45 and K25, started. The hills, which also got a ski lift and snow cannons, were opened in July 2005. While the hills progressed, a landslip happened, so the works were delayed and the budget had to be extended. Furthermore the judges' tower had to be modified after the works were finished, because the view onto the athletes was not good enough. After two years of construction time and 14.5m SFr, a modern ski jumping complex was completed, but the financial cost was six million Francs above the original estimation and budget. In the course of the building, the Ski Club could count on the support of the members, which installed the plastic mattings on all hills. The complex is the main training center of Switzerland in summer, beside Kandersteg.
The K105 is now used annually for COC and Summer Grand Prix. But it is also criticized, because of a lack of wind protection. In 2009, the Grand Prix competition had to be cancelled after the first round, because the wind conditions were irregular. Also FIS-Cup and Alps Cup are making regular stops at Einsiedeln.
Originally the hills were named after the sponsors AKAD-, Swisscom- and KPT-Schanzen, but in May 2009 the HS 117 was dubbed “Andreas-Küttel-Schanze” and the HS 77 “Simon-Ammann-Schanze”. On the small KPT-Schanze, “ski jumping for anyone” is offered.
Beside the hills, the infrastructure at Eschbach was improved with the construction of a sports and ice skating hall. The K105 has got a very special highlight: the shower rooms and cabins are placed underneath the outrun. The hill has, like the K45, floodlights, so night competitions can be staged there. The "KPT-Schanzen" are natural hills, while the two larger ones have concrete inrun towers and the K105 even an artificial knoll.
The ski jumping complex hit the news headlines in September 2007, when the operation company had to file for bankruptcy after several financial problems. On January 1, 2009 the newly founded "Schanzen Einsiedeln GmbH" took over the rights and property ownership of the ski jumps. Even private ski jumping fans and public organizations hold shares of the hills now, just as the name-giver and world champion of Liberec 2009 Andreas Küttel, who resigned in spring 2011.
In order to ensure the operations of Schanzen Einsiedeln, in June 2021, the 16-years old inrun tracks of all four ski jumps were renewed. The necessary funds of ca. 800,000 Francs were acquired through public subsidies and a crowdfunding project.

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Hill records K105 (Men):

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Hill records K105 (Women):

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Hill records K70 (Women):

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Hill records K45 (Women):

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Hill records K25 (Men):

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Hill records K25 (Women):

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8)   snoflaxe   wrote on 2015-09-06 at 20:26:

Domen Prevc


Domen Prevc - 125,5 m aber nicht gestanden

7)   Mike   wrote on 2014-09-18 at 14:37:

Simon Ammann-Schanze

Missing the following hill records

Melanie Häckert fall jump 76,0 m 14.9.2013, Agnes Reisch record jump 75,0 m 14.9.2014



I'm sorry the previous comment

6)   Mike   wrote on 2014-09-16 at 15:57:

Ladie's summer record

5)   Marco   wrote on 2013-09-29 at 22:09:

oh, sorry. I have seen it!

4)   Artur   wrote on 2013-09-29 at 21:37:


Your information is untrue! Melanie Häckert had fall in her jump on 76 m! You have to check the official results.

3)   Marco   wrote on 2013-09-29 at 20:21:

Neuer Sommerrekord bei den Frauen auf der Simon Ammann-Schanze HS77: Melanie Häckert (GER) sprang 76,0 m am 14.09.2013 im Rahmen des Alpen-Cups. Somit ist der alte Rekord von Ramona Straub (GER) vom 31.08.2012 hinfällig. Bitte berichtigen...!

2)   Foresss   wrote on 2012-08-31 at 17:52:

HS77 Letni rekord kobiet

Ramona Straub z Niemiec ustanowiła nowy letni rekord skoczni HS77 podczas zawodów z cyklu Alpen Cup.


1)   Artur   wrote on 2011-10-09 at 16:26:

Nowy rekord skoczni - 122 m Simon Ammann

Simon Ammann ustanowił nowy rekord skoczni podczas konkursu o Mistrzostwo Szwajcarii. Uzyskał 122 metry.


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