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Wielka Krokiew

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Wielka Krokiew im. Stanisława Marusarza:

Hill Size: HS 140
K-Point: 125 m
Men Winter Hill record: 150.0 m (Benjamin Østvold NOR, 2021-03-13, COC)
Men Winter Official hill record: 147.0 m (Yukiya Satō JPN, 2020-01-25, WC-T)
Men Summer Hill record: 147.0 m (Paweł Wąsek POL, 2024-03-17, COC)
Men Summer Official hill record: 145.0 m (Yukiya Satō JPN, 2019-08-18, SGP)
Women Summer Hill record: 137.5 m (Nika Križnar SLO, 2023-06-30, L-EG)
Inrun length: 98.7 m
Inrun angle: 35°
Take-off length: 6.5 m
Take-off angle: 11°
Take-off height: 3.13 m
Speed: 91 km/h
Landing angle: 34.3°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Plastic matting: yes
Conversions: 2016-2017
K125 (2016-...)K120 (2000-2016)K116 (1977-2000)K100 (1960-1977)K80 (1925-1960)

Further jumps: no
Spectator capacity: 26,000
Year of construction: 1925
Conversions: 1928, 1938, 1946, 1960, ca. 1977, 1989, 2000, 2004, 2016-2017
Status: operating
Ski club: TS Wisła Zakopane, AZS Zakopane (WKS & Start Krokiew Zakopane)
Coordinates: 49.277963, 19.963666 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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The construction of the ski jumping hill at Krokiew hill in Zakopane, designed by Karol Stryjeński and the Swede Sellestroem, began in 1924. The opening of the facility took place on March 22, 1925. Four years later, the first World Championships were held there (won by Norwegian Sigmund Ruud) - on this occasion the hill was rebuilt. The next reconstruction as an 80 meter hill took place before the second World Championships in Zakopane, which were held in 1939 (victory of Austrian Sepp Bradl).
After World War II the hill was immediately reconstructed and from 1946 (until 1994), the annual prestigious Memorial of Bronisław Czech and Helena Marusarzówna with an international cast was held at Wielka Krokiew. In 1961 on the enlarged hill for the first time it fell 100 meters - by Nikolai Shamov from the USSR. A year later, for the third time there was a World Championships in Zakopane (German Helmut Recknagel won), and apparently 125,000 spectators gathered around the hill.
In the 1979/80 season, the Czech & Marusarzówna Memorial joined the calendar of the first in the history World Cup edition. World Cup was to be held on the K115 hill in Zakopane also a season later, but was cancelled due to lack of snow. In 1989, the hill was slightly modified and furthermore the patron of the hill was changed from constructor Karol Stryjeński, whose name the hill had carried since 1932, to recently deceased Stanisław Marusarz, Nordic skiing hero from Zakopane and silver medalist at the 1938 WSC.
The next competitions of the World Cup in Zakopane took place in 1996, 1998 and 1999, but then the was out-dated and the certificate expired in 2000. Since the reconstruction of the hill as K120, World Cups have been taking place in Zakopane every year. In 2002, around 100,000 people cheered on Adam Małysz, who had won his first World Cup Crystal Globe in the season before. Furthermore, the Winter Universiade was held here in 2001.
In 2004, plastic matting was placed on the Wielka Krokiew - and for the first time the Summer Grand Prix competition was held, which gathered 28,000 spectators. The last thorough modernization took place in two stages - in 2016 the inrun was renovated, on which frozen tracks were installed, and in 2017 the landing slope was rebuilt, thanks to which the hill was enlarged to the K125 / HS140.
Interestingly, in June 1997, at the Wielka Krokiew a mass with the participation of 250,000 believers was celebrated by Pope John Paul II.
Furthermore, Zakopane has been bidding - unfortunately not successfully - multiple times in recent years to host another Nordic World Ski Championships.

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Hill records K125 (Men):

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25)   Records on Wielka Krokiew   wrote on 2024-03-18 at 21:46:

Records on Wielka Krokiew

Hi! Norwegian newspapers claim that Bjoern Wirkola jumped 112 m on Wielka Krokiew hill during the training round on 20.03.1964. They also claim that he jumped 105 m during the same trial round, and also Christoffer Selbekk jumped 104 and 106 m, but no one knows who was jumping first. Thanks!

24)   pl   wrote on 2021-03-13 at 16:17:


NOR Benjamina Oestvolda - COC trial round 13.03.2021 - 150 m - new unofficial record.

23)   Levente Szücs   wrote on 2019-08-17 at 18:53:

Hill record

Tilen Bartol jumped a new hill record of 144m

22)   Eberhard Jurgalski   wrote on 2019-01-19 at 19:09:

Tajner 2004

To my knowledge Wojciech Tajner jumped 142 meter on July 12, 2004. I know it was a private jumping, but as an inofficial record in summer it should count imho.

21)   AO   wrote on 2019-01-14 at 21:16:

Stare parametry i certyfikat FIS

Podajecie dane skoczni i linkujecie do starego certyfikatu FIS. Link do aktualnych parametrów i homologacji po przebudowie w 2017: http://www.worldcup-zakopane.pl/pl/dane-techniczne.html

20)   Obeznany   wrote on 2018-02-23 at 21:32:

Tomek Czyż wyrównał rekord skoczni dzisiaj na zawodach Lotos Cup, skoczył 141.5m w pierwszej serii. Protokoł: http://pzn.pl/gfx/pzn/files/lotos_cup/lotos_cup_2018/iii_edycja_w_zakopanem/23.02.2018-sn/lws_hs140_jun_a_23.02.2018.pdf

19)   Artur   wrote on 2016-01-04 at 15:07:


Oficjalny rekord tylko i wyłącznie z Pucharu Świata.
Murańka 144 m z podpórką od dawna na liście rekordów na czerwono.

18)   Poprawka   wrote on 2016-01-04 at 13:35:


Kamil Stoch 141,5m to oficjalny rekord i warto dodać Klemensa Murańke 144,0m

17)   igorak   wrote on 2015-07-14 at 08:54:

To klubowa skocznia Kamila Stocha, Macieja i Jakuba Kotów, Łukasza i Mateusza Rutkowskich.

16)   Kuba   wrote on 2014-09-03 at 11:04:

Świetna miejsce. Byłem rok temu, naprawdę robi wrażenie. Cieszy mnie, że w Polsce powstają takie miejsca i są utrzymywane. Planuję się także wybrać w tym roku, poleca ktoś jakiś dobry hotel niedaleko? Rok temu byłem w Crocusie (hotelcrocus.pl) ale w tym roku szykam raczej czegoś mniejszego :)

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