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4000th facility has been added to the Ski Jumping Hill Archive
7000th ski jumping hill added to the Archive!
New Granåsen ski jump in Trondheim inaugurated
Fire destroys ski jumps in Biberau-Biberschlag
Copper Peak: Funding of the renovation finally secured
When „Ullersdorf im Riesengebirge“ (today Ulanowice near Lubawka) was once German before World War II, in 1924 at Mount Krucza Skała the first 50 meter ski jumping hill was built up. The ski jump was used for the Olympic preparation of the German team for 1936 and the most important competition of that area were the Lower Silesian championships in 1931.
Then after World War II the jump was reconstructed and today, after some more conversions for example 1984 and 1998, it is know as the K85 ski jumping hill “Ulanowice” of Lubawka. The current hill record on the HS 95 is 96 m and is held by Antonín Hájek (2003) and Jakob Kot (2010), but in 2003 Hájek shall have jumped even on 97.5 m.
Since the junior competition in 2010, which was won by Klemens Murańka, the old-fashioned Krucza Skała ski jump had not been used anymore.
In November 2015, the Lower Silesian Voivodship was selected to organize the upcoming winter National Youth Olympics and hill on Krucza Skała was about to host nordic combined and ski jumping events. Due to this undertaking, the Lubawka local government received a subsidy from the provincial authorities, which allowed the construction of a new inrun, band and cosmetic improvements within the area of the landing hill and outrun. While modernization had been finished, the competition finally did not take place due to the lack of snow. However, the grand opening of the facility (27 February 2016) was made by the Olympic champion Wojciech Fortuna together with representatives of the local government and the Polish Ski Association.
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Skocznia w Lubawce film
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Im Text heißt es, bei 1924 "Krucza Skała". Das ist historischer Unsinn, denn dieser Name für den "Rabenstein" wurde ja erst 1945 vom Westinstitut Posen im Rahmen der Polonisierung erfunden.
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2012 sind einige Bretter auf dem Turm gestuerzt. Eine Gruppe von Kindern mit einer Lehrerin und einem Reisefuehrer ging auf die Schanze (alle au einmal) und fiel von ca. 5 m nachdem die Bretter gestuezt waren. Sieben Kinder wurden hospitalisiert, der Reisefuehrer und die Lehrerin wurden beide zur Gefaengnis mit Strafaussetzung verurteilt.
Die Schanze ist also zur Zeit eindeutig als "ausser Betrieb" oder sogar als "Ruine" zu klassifizieren.
Im Artikel steht, das die Schanze nicht mehr genutzt wird, bei Status aber, dass sie noch in Betrieb ist. Was stimmt nun?
Interesting thing - in polish sources about ski jumping hills there's confirmation about 97,5 m Hajek's jump in 2003, on the other hand, the only competition, that took part in 2003 was OOM (Ogólnopolska Olimpiada Młodzieży - Polish Youth Olympiad), and in news about this competintion on skijumping.pl is information obaut 96 m jump performed about Antonin Hajek:
"W konkursie startowało także kilku zawodników z Czech, jednak nie zostali oni włączeni do oficjalnej klasyfikacji zawodów. Młody Antonin Hajek ustanowił przy okazji rekord skoczni w Lubawce, lądując w pierwszej próbie aż na 96m (K-85)."
"Few jumpers from Czech Republic also took part in competition, but their results weren't included to official results, young Antonin Hajek etablished new hill record of hill in Lubawka, performing a 96 m jump"
skocznia w Lubawce
skocznia bardzo piękna , szkoda,że nie ma obok niej jakiejś mniejszej by mozna było szkolić narybek
najładniejsza skocznia w Polsce
Ten artykuł ma numer ponad 600, po prostu nie jest przetłumaczony. Przetłumaczone są tylko główne skocznie do 605 bodajże artykułu
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