Warning: Undefined array key 6 in /customers/0/2/4/skisprungschanzen.com/httpd.www/source/address.php on line 199 Granåsen Rekruttsenter, Trondheim  »  Ski Jumping Hill Archive  »  skisprungschanzen.com

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Granåsen Rekruttsenter

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K-Point: 78 m
Men Winter Hill record: 79.5 m (Janez Stirn YUG, 1984-03-03, JWSC)
79.5 m (Martin Švagerko CSR, 1984-03-03, JWSC)
Further jumps: K40
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1959
Conversions: 1980
Year of destruction: 1988
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 63.377215, 10.304173 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Hill Size: HS 68
K-Point: 60 m
Men Winter Hill record: 72.0 m (Lars Andreas Slåttsveen NOR, 2007-01-20)
Year of construction: 1952
Conversions: 1977, 2011
Coordinates: 63.377337, 10.304554 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 40 m
Men Winter Hill record: 42.5 m
Year of construction: 1952
Conversions: 1989, 2017-2018
Coordinates: 63.377596, 10.305191 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: K28, K16, K10, K5
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 1940
Conversions: 1952, 2010-2012
Status: operating
Ski club: Byåsen Idrettslag, Granåsen Ski Team
Coordinates: 63.377337, 10.304554 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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In 1940 the first Granåsen ski jump was inaugurated. Birger Ruud was the winner and set up a first hill record of 56 m. The first larger conversion took place in 1952. The small and the normal hill were prepared in 1952 for the NM in 1953. Then the large hill ski jump was constructed in 1959/60 and it was equipped with floodlights, just as the normal hill was before.
For the Norwegian Championships of 1970 a large spectator stand was built at normal hill (at that time K64). Together with the ski club of Meldal, who hosted the NM on the large hill (at that time K87 at Meldal), a new floodlight system and an electronic score board, by the way the very first in whole Norway, were developed.
In 1977 the normal hill ski jump was again enlarged on K64 and covered with plastic mattings. In order to fulfil FIS requirements, in 1980 the last conversion of that time’s large hill jump was done. By the occasion also the K38 was converted and, just as all other jumps before, equipped with floodlights. In 1983 a ski lift was installed at the large hill jump for Nordic Junior World Championships one year later.
In 1987 K38 training hill was covered with plastic mattings. Then the hill certificate of K78 run out in 1988 and was no more renewed, because the new World Championship hill had a K-Point of 90 meters and took over the status as a normal hill ski jump. Since the former large hill (K78) hasn’t been used as the very recovered and wild landing hill shows.
In 1990 today’s large and normal hill were constructed as K120 and K90 for Nordic Ski World Championships 1997, and since 1991 World Cup is hosted regularly there.

In 2009 the course for the conversion of the old ski jumping centre into the junior training facility "Granåsen Rekruttsenter" was set. In summer 2010 construction works on the new plastic covered ski jumps K28, K16, K10 and K3 had started. Furthermore, the ancient large hill K78 was destructed and the modernization of the former normal hill K65 as K60 began. Already in winter 2010-2011 it was possible to use the new ski jumps. In summer 2011 the plastic covering of K28, K16 and K10 was done and a lift was set up. The plastic covering of K60 followed in 2012. Finally, also the K38 was modernized into a K40 in 2017-2018 and covered with new plastic mattings. Now, Byåsen IL can operate six ski jumping hills during summer and winter seasons.

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Hill records K78 (Men):

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Hill records K60 (Men):

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2)   Emu   wrote on 2011-11-20 at 10:52:

Sollte die K-3 auch mit Matten belegt werden, wuerde sie zur neuen Kleinsten Mattenschanze Der Welt werden. :)

1)   Zbal   wrote on 2011-11-20 at 09:32:

Mam pytanie; Czy ta skocznia z rekordami "została" skopiowana, a "zaarchizowana"?

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