Warning: Undefined array key 6 in /customers/0/2/4/skisprungschanzen.com/httpd.www/source/address.php on line 199 Bavallen, Voss  »  Ski Jumping Hill Archive  »  skisprungschanzen.com

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Hill Size: HS 118
K-Point: 105 m
Men Winter Hill record: 120.0 m (Leonard Fageraas NOR, 2025-02-08, Norge)
Women Winter Hill record: 102.5 m (Gyda Westvold Hansen NOR, 2019-02-01, NC-NJ-NOR)
102.5 m (Mille Marie Hagen NOR, 2019-02-01, NC-NJ-NOR)
Year of construction: 2023
Status: operating
K105 (2023-...)K95 (1977-2022)


K-Point: 90 m
Men Winter Hill record: 104.5 m (Toralf Engan NOR, 1962-01-27)
104.5 m (Bjørn Wirkola NOR, 1967-04-09, N-NOR)
Year of construction: 1953
Operating until: ca. 1970
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 60.653412, 6.413661 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: ca. 40 m
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 60.654936, 6.416236 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: ca. 20 m
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 60.654991, 6.416335 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: no
Ski club: Eldar IL, Voss IL
Coordinates: 60.653794, 6.413477 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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The first ski jump construction at Bavallen ski center in Voss was finished by the ski jumping season 1953 and in 1955 the very first Norwegian Championships were organized there. In front of 12,000 spectators, among them King Olav, Sverre Stallvik from Trondheim was the winner. In the following years the Norwegian and international ski jumping elite gathered at Voss regularily. On April 8, 1957, Kjell Kopstad set up new hill record of 103.5 m on Bavallsbakken, which was equalized by World Champion Toralf Engan in 1962. The next NM in 1964 was attended by a crowd of 10,000 spectators and won by Torgeir Brandtzæg. Only three years later in 1967 Bjørn Wirkola became Norwegian Champion with a new hill record of 104.5 m.
However, in the early 1970s, the outdated 90-meter hill was not used anymore. Instead, only a few meters away, a new, slightly smaller 80-meter hill was built in 1977. During the first main event, the junior championships in 1979, Knut Leo Abrahamsen from Alta set up a first record of 87.5 m. After that Bavallsbakken was converted several times up to K90 (HS 100) and in 1996 even a COC competition was staged there, won by Toni Nieminen. For many years annual events of Norges Cup have been hosted at Voss.
Prior to the NM 2012, Bavallsbakken was enlarged onto K95 / HS 103 already in 2010 and opened by a Norges Cup in 2011. A further modernization took place in 2020. Besides the renovation of the inrun with a TopSpeed track, also the hill size was modified to 105 meters. Subsequently, the Norwegian junior championships were held on Bavallsbakken in February 2021.
Further important ski jumps in and around Voss are Nyestølsbakken at Myrkdalen, Tunåsen at Bulken and Framnesbakken at Oppheim.

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Hill records K105 (Men):

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Hill records K105 (Women):

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Hill records K90 (Men):

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7)   Karl Laurits Olsen   wrote on 2025-02-16 at 16:02:

Hill record

The 120 m by Leonard Fageraas is absolutely worth mention as the longest jump. But from what I understand, it was done in the trial round. The longest jump in competition was 117.5 m by Karl Haugen Kleppa (Norway) in the Norge Cup on 9 February 2025.

6)   Karl Laurits Olsen   wrote on 2024-12-11 at 19:51:

Small correction of date

The date for Bjørn Wirkola's 104.5 m jump in the K90 hill was 9 April 1967, not 4 April.

5)   Kryštof Adámek   wrote on 2023-11-20 at 16:11:

K95 status

the 95 meter when i click on it it still says operating which isnt

4)   Kjell Erik Herheim   wrote on 2019-03-17 at 14:25:


Kjell Kopstad jumped 103,5 m. at April 7. 1957

3)   Artur   wrote on 2012-01-29 at 23:49:

Rekord skoczni

Strona kombinacjanorweska.dbv.pl podaje, że w oficjalnym treningu przed zawodami, 108,5 m uzyskał Sindre Ure Soetvik.

2)   Artur   wrote on 2012-01-28 at 20:49:

K95 - HS103

Skocznia została przebudowana. Jej obecny HS to 103 m.


Do poprawy.

1)   Artur   wrote on 2011-03-26 at 17:31:

Punkt K

Według listy wyników punkt K tej skoczni to 95 m.

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