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Trampolino del Pakstall:

Hill Size: HS 103
K-Point: 92 m
Men Winter Hill record: 105.5 m (Rico Meinel GER, 1996-02-17, COC)
105.5 m (Uroš Peterka SLO, 2002-02-10, COC)
Inrun length: 95.2 m
Inrun angle: 30°
Take-off length: 7 m
Take-off angle: 11°
Landing angle: 34°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1986
Operating until: 2006
Status: out of order
Coordinates: 45.896319, 11.550620 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

Trampolino del Pakstall:

Hill Size: HS 66
K-Point: 60 m
Men Winter Hill record: 77.5 m (Roman Gąsienica-Sieczka POL, 1956-01-15, INT)
Men Summer Hill record: 64.5 m (Michael Lunardi ITA, 2007-08-26)
Women Summer Hill record: 61.0 m (Barbara Klinec SLO, 2011-09-03)
61.0 m (Barbara Klinec SLO, 2011-09-03)
61.0 m (Barbara Klinec SLO, 2011-09-04)
61.0 m (Barbara Klinec SLO, 2011-09-04)
61.0 m (Evelyn Insam ITA, 2011-09-04)
Take-off angle: 9.5°
Landing angle: 32.5°
Conversions: 1975
Coordinates: 45.895833, 11.549961 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K60 (1975-...)K65 (1946-1975)

Further jumps: K31, K20
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 1946
Conversions: 1986
Status: out of order
Ski club: Sci Club Gallio, US Asiago
Coordinates: 45.896319, 11.550620 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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Directly after World War II in 1946 at Gallio, located on the plateau of Sette Comuni, the construction of a 60 meter ski jump at Pakstall started and on 1947-03-27 the inauguration was celebrated. Only two years later also the two junior ski jumping hills were built. On 1954-01-09 the very first international “Trofeo Kongsberg” was hosted and in the following years further international (junior) competitions were organized.
In 1975 the 60 meter hill was modernized and slightly decreased. For the Nordic Junior WSC in Asiago in 1987 the larger K95 ski jumping hill was built, which also hosted a World Cup competition in 1988. In 1990's Europa Cup or Continental Cup competitions were organized at Pakstall almost every year, and in 1996 another Junior-WSC took place in Asiago. Since 2002 the hill certificated of the normal hill, which was sometimes listed as K92 or K95, expired and the hill has not been used anymore. The junior jumping hills are all together covered with new plastic mattings and have ceramic inrun trails.

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Hill records K92 (Men):

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Hill records K60 (Men):

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Hill records K60 (Women):

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2)   greg   wrote on 2013-04-16 at 01:59:

certyfikat FIS

Gallio znajduje się w wykazie aktualnych certyfikatów FIS, więc przynajmniej jest "zdatna do użytku", choć z drugiej strony nie znalazłem żadnego śladu aktywności na tej skoczni

1)   Artur   wrote on 2012-01-07 at 14:10:

Skocznia K92 - HS103

Skocznia K92 HS103 nie posiada igelitu, poza tym na pewno już nie jest używana.

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