Warning: Undefined array key 6 in /customers/0/2/4/skisprungschanzen.com/httpd.www/source/address.php on line 199 Stadtilm  »  Ski Jumping Hill Archive  »  skisprungschanzen.com

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Data | History | Hill records | Map | Comments



K-Point: 29 m
Men Winter Hill record: 37.0 m (Georg Brömel DDR, 1963-11-30)
Further jumps: K15
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 1956
Year of destruction: 1970
Status: destroyed
Ski club: BSG Motor Stadtilm
Coordinates: 50.774671, 11.104221 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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In Thuringian Stadtilm ski jumps were performed on a ski jump at the steep slope of Weinberg made of spruce branches and snow in the hard years after World War II and the best distances were reached with 16 meters. In 1956 the ski jumping enthusiasts of the ski club started with the realization of a long-lasting dream to build up a larger permanent ski jump. With the construction and inauguration of Ilmtalschanze at Haunberg in the year 1958 Stadtilm experienced a winter sports boom. The application for a plastic covering was accompanied by a lucky fact: due to a cancelled export contract of plastic mattings for a Norwegian ski jumping hill the Betriebssportgemeinschaft of Stadtilm could quickly receive this package, which was financed by the earnings of the lottery company owned by the people. Together with this plastic covering the ski jump was new-profiled and an additional smaller jump was constructed.
The inauguration was planned with Helmut Recknagel in 1961, but had to be cancelled due to a foot-and-mouth-disease raging in the area. With the first regular competition, a regional championship of Arnstadt district, the new Ilmtalschanze was going into operations. The ski jumps were used by lots of competitions organized by the local ski club and the local schools, as well as district and regional championships.
After the death of forester H. Wenzel who was mainly engaged into the founding of the ski club and sportive development of the club, ski jumping activities slowly decreased which was even enforced by many active ski jumpers moving away. In 1970 the last competition was organized – afterwards the ski jump dilapidated. After the demolition of the jumping hill the area was totally recovered by nature.

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