Warning: Undefined array key 6 in /customers/0/2/4/skisprungschanzen.com/httpd.www/source/address.php on line 199 Wadeberg, Oberhof  »  Ski Jumping Hill Archive  »  skisprungschanzen.com

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Hill Size: HS 70
K-Point: 64 m
Men Winter Hill record: 71.5 m (Max Herbrechter GER, 2019-02-24)
Men Summer Hill record: 71.0 m (Lars Morlok GER, 2021-08-28, NC-Youth)
Women Summer Hill record: 70.0 m (Magdalena Burger GER, 2021-08-28, NC-Youth)
Inrun length: 76.5 m
Inrun angle: 32°
Take-off length: 6 m
Take-off angle: 10.9°
Take-off height: 1.6 m
Speed: 88.2 km/h
Landing angle: 34.5°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 2018
Status: operating
Coordinates: 50.709834, 10.720067 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K64 (2018-...)K66 (1988-2015)K45 (1951-1988)K35 (1908-1941)


K-Point: 82 m
Men Winter Hill record: 83.5 m (Jens Weißflog GER, 1981)
Men Summer Hill record: 81.0 m (Adam Krzysztofiak POL, 1970-10-23)
81.0 m (Stanisław Kubica POL, 1970-10-23)
Total height: 99 m
Tower height: 24 m
Inrun length: 97 m
Inrun angle: 30°
Take-off angle: 6.5°
Take-off height: 4.3 m
Speed: 85 km/h
Landing angle: 38°
Plastic matting: yes
Conversions: 1950-1951, 1955
Year of destruction: 1986
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 50.710355, 10.719494 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K82 (1950-1986)K65 (1938-1950)K55 (1927-1937)


Hill Size: HS 50
K-Point: 48 m
Men Winter Hill record: 52.0 m
Inrun length: 54 m
Inrun angle: 32.5°
Take-off length: 5.14 m
Take-off angle: 9.5°
Take-off height: 1.44 m
Landing angle: 31.18°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 1976
Conversions: 1981, 1995-1996
Year of destruction: 2017
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 50.710133, 10.716339 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 34 m
Plastic matting: yes
Year of destruction: 2018
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 50.709983, 10.716647 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: ca. 30 m
Plastic matting: no
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 50.710561, 10.718722 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 13 m
Plastic matting: yes
Year of destruction: 2018
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 50.710406, 10.718353 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Ski club: WSV Oberhof 05
Coordinates: 50.709834, 10.720067 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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The very first jump in Oberhof was already built in 1906 at the Tambacher Straße, 1908 the ski jump at Wadeberg was constructed by Norway's Rolf W. Thune. Numerous German and Thuringian Championships were held on the 25 meter hill with distances going up to 38 meters by end 1920's.
In 1928 the Thüringenschanze at Wadeberg was opened with an attendance of 30,000 spectators. On 1931-02-16 the WSC competition of Nordic Ski Championships at Oberhof was hosted, winner was 19-year-old Birger Ruud. During NS time until 1945 the 70 meter ski jump had the name ”Hindenburgschanze” and was converted in 1937-38 for NS Winter Games.
After World War II Thüringenschanze was restored in fall 1948 and in February 1949 the Championships of the Soviet occupation zone were held there. A fundamental modernization and the construction of the judges' tower took place in 1950-51. Then 120,000 spectators came to attend the GDR Championships at Oberhof in February 1951. The 80 meter hill was covered with plastic mattings in 1955. During this period a lot of international competitions were held there, but with the opening of the ski jump at Rennsteig in 1961 it was mainly used for training only. In February 1981 16-year-old Jens Weißflog from Oberwiesenthal jumped a last hill record of 83.5 m at the 15th ski festival of Oberhof. The inrun tower was removed in 1986 and today you can only see the dilapidated landing hill and take-off.
The 66-meter-Jugendschanze was constructed next to old Thüringenschanze from 1951 to 1952 and in 1954 it became the world's first plastic covered ski jumping hill. On 1954-11-20 Werner Lesser set the first record on mattings with 42 m. But before there was already an unofficial training on the old Regenbergschanze at Zella-Mehlis on 1954-10-31. Inventor of plastic mattings was the GDR national coach Hans Renner, whose name was later given to the large hill at Oberhof.
Conversions of the Wadebergschanze took place in 1988 and 1994. Opposite to the former Thüringenschanze the two plastic covered Schüler­schanzen K48 and K34 were situated, the Kinderschanze K13 was below it.
Furthermore, in November 2011 the planning of the construction of a new K80 (HS 85) ski jump at Wadeberg for around 2.5m Euro was started. The construction works of this ski jump started in spring 2018 and at the same time the smaller hills have all been demolished. The new medium hill was finally realized as a HS 70 and is supposed to help jumpers moving from the smaller hills to the normal and large hill at Kanzlersgrund. In December 2018 the ultimately 5.5m Euro expensive works have been completed to make the hill ready for winter use and in spring 2019 the plastic covering was added.

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Hill records K64 (Men):

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Hill records K64 (Women):

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Hill records K82 (Men):

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5)   Eberhard Jurgalski   wrote on 2019-09-02 at 14:51:


Thanks, Artur! :-)

4)   Artur   wrote on 2019-09-02 at 08:50:

@Eberhard Jurgalski


3)   Eberhard Jurgalski   wrote on 2019-09-01 at 14:18:

Youth Results

Is it possible to know the link to the results of the NC Youth Cup, please?

2)   Pierre   wrote on 2015-11-08 at 13:08:

Verfall Wadeberg

News. Alle 4 Schanzen sn
Wadeberg sind geschlossen und verrotten. Bitte der Liste aktualisieren

1)   MrDadiHD   wrote on 2015-08-19 at 22:01:

Abriss oder Umbau?

Ich war heute in Oberhof und habe festgestellt, dass auf der K 50 und der K 34 die Matten abgenommen wurden und die Anläufe verwüstet sind. Die HS 13 ist dem Verfall hingegeben... Auf der HS 69 fehlen in unteren Bereich ebenfalls die Matten.

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