Warning: Undefined array key 6 in /customers/0/2/4/skisprungschanzen.com/httpd.www/source/address.php on line 199 Rothenburg an der Saale  »  Ski Jumping Hill Archive  »  skisprungschanzen.com

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GERGER-STRothenburg an der Saale

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K-Point: 34 m
Men Winter Hill record: 38.0 m (Patrick Valentin GER, 2003)
Men Summer Hill record: 37.0 m (Bruno Quasdorf GER, 2024-05-04)
Women Summer Hill record: 33.0 m (Minna Anklam GER, 2024-05-04)
Inrun angle: 36°
Take-off length: 4.6 m
Take-off angle: 10.5°
Take-off height: 1.6 m
Speed: 68.4 km/h
Landing angle: 33°
Coordinates: 51.633482, 11.758349 Google Maps OpenStreetMap


K-Point: 15 m
Men Summer Hill record: 19.0 m (František Holík CZE, 2007-07-14)
19.0 m (Corvin Kühnel GER, 2009-05-02)
19.0 m (Corvin Kühnel GER, 2009-05-02)
Women Summer Hill record: 16.5 m (Karla Anklam GER, 2023-08-26)
Inrun angle: 35°
Take-off length: 3 m
Take-off angle: 7.5°
Take-off height: 1.3 m
Speed: 54 km/h
Landing angle: 33°
Coordinates: 51.633606, 11.758455 Google Maps OpenStreetMap


K-Point: 7 m
Men Winter Hill record: 9.0 m (Andreas Wank GER, 1998)
Men Summer Hill record: 6.5 m (Emil Weßlau GER, 2022-08-20)
Women Summer Hill record: 6.0 m (Johanna Fuchs GER, 2022-08-20)
Inrun angle: 32°
Take-off length: 2.5 m
Take-off angle: 13°
Take-off height: 0.35 m
Speed: 25 km/h
Landing angle: 29°
Coordinates: 51.633765, 11.758378 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: yes
Conversions: 1973, 1977, 1996, 2005
Status: operating
Ski club: SFV Rothenburg an der Saale
Coordinates: 51.633482, 11.758349 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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With the founding of a skiing section of BSG Motor Rothenburg on Saale in 1960 also works on a small ski jump at Tannengrund had started. The inauguration took place on March 4, 1962 with jumps up to 15 meters. Supported by the "VEB Draht- und Seilwerk" Rothenburg it was possible to do a plastic covering and open the matting hill on June 9, 1963.
In order to develop ski jumping further it was necessary to get a larger ski jumping hill and therefore works on a new ski jumping facility at Nussgrund had started in spring 1973. The modern pupils' matting hill K15 could be inaugurated on November 25, 1973. First record holder was Wilmar Ott from Rothenburg with 17.5 m.
The ski hut could be set up in 1975 and by 1977 the junior hill with a K point of 30 m at that time was completed. All necessary works were done by sportsmen in voluntary work shifts of more than 8,500 hours. Beside Peter Ott especially the efforts of Günther Haase have to be appreciated. On November 13, 1977 98 ski jumpers from 13 ski clubs inaugurated the new ski jumping hill with a big matting competition. The first hill record was set up by Peter Schaffrath from Eilenburg with 31.5 m.
With the political turn-over in 1990 the financial support of "Draht- und Seilwerk Rothenburg" fell away. Due to lucky circumstances and a job creation scheme in 1996 it was possible to renew the rotten inrun towers of both hills and equipe them with glass inrun trails. The gain of inrun speed was used to enlarge the K point of the junior hill from 30 to 34 m. Additionally the K7 hill was set up in order to improve training conditions.
In 2004 a plate garage was set up and converted into a changing room. In the follwoing year 46,000 Euro could be funded by the Stadt- and Saalkreissparkasse, Lotto-Toto, the state sports federation and the sports foundation of Halle region for a new plastic covering of all three ski jumps by Finnish mattings. In the same period the glass trail of Peter-Ott-Schanze was replaced by stainless steel. This modernization of the ski jumping facility was again only made possible by the voluntary and unweary efforts of many ski club members who sacrificed all their sapre time.
Meanwhile the pupils' hill was named after the most successfull local talent of SFV Rothenburg Andreas Wank.

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Hill records K34 (Men):

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Hill records K34 (Women):

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Hill records K15 (Men):

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Hill records K15 (Women):

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Hill records K7 (Men):

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Hill records K7 (Women):

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4)   Vordum   wrote on 2019-06-05 at 21:10:


Schanzenrekord Dammen
-K15 Melissa Sidiropolus (16m)
-K34 Aelita Krasiļščikova (32m)


3)   Bernd   wrote on 2019-04-20 at 22:08:

Der Schanzenrekord wurde am 20.5.2009 von Corvin Kühnel eingestellt. :)
Hier die Ergebnisliste: http://www.sfv-rothenburg.de/ergebnislisten/Ergebnislisten/Rothenburg02052009.pdf

2)   Detlef Berend   wrote on 2014-03-02 at 21:45:

Hallo Herr Blümke war auch mehre jahre in Rothenburg Aktiv war auch schohn einige male wieder an der schanze habe aber leider keinen angetrofen bin am ersten Sebtember Wochenende in der nähe von rothenburg Vieleicht wäre es möglich jemanden anzutreffen war von ca 1977 -1982 aktiv. MfG Detlef Berend

1)   Marvin   wrote on 2012-04-28 at 16:18:

Falscher Name

Die K-15 heißt "Andreas-Wank-Schanze" und nicht "Schülerschanze"

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