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K-Point: 50 m
Men Winter Hill record: 58.0 m
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1930
Conversions: 1956
Year of destruction: 1972
Status: destroyed
Ski club: SK Lausche Waltersdorf
Coordinates: 50.850872, 14.650412 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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The highest mountain of Zittau Hills in Oberlausitz is the Lausche (792 m) and this elevation is situated directly next to the Czech border, only few kilometres south of Waltersdorf. There the ski club Waltersdorf started its activities with downhill and slalom skiing after the founding in 1928, but then ski jumping, too. At first there was only a small natural ski jumping hill, but then Lausche-Sprungschanze was developed, which already had a wooden inrun construction and allowed jumps on more than 40 meters in early 1950’s.
But the wishes of the skiers for a new and better ski jumping hill became more and more concrete. In 1956 the new-construction was started and as usually in this time the works wouldn’t have been possible without many thousands of voluntarily hours of hand work by lots of helpers and members of the sports club. For the enlargement of the ski jump mainly the radius was caved in and the takeoff was moved further above. The old inrun tower was destructed and the upper third of the landing hill had to be built as an artificial wooden superstructure. The inrun trail, which was moved upwards, too, now was shaped along the natural profile of the hill.
The largest ski jumping hill of East-Saxonia was proudly inaugurated in winter 1957. In the following years many jumping competitions were hosted coming along with alpine tournaments during good snow-conditions. Ski jumping activities went until 1968/69, but then the decision of the GDR sports leaders to stop alpine skiing as a supported professional sports fell and left serious consequences for Waltersdorf, also for local ski jumping. Bad winters, only few jumpers and too big efforts for preparing the ski jump lead to the shutting down of the ski jump and finally in 1972 it was torn down. But the alpine sector didn’t decline completely and since 1990’s the new-founded ASVL Waltersdorf has been solidly recovering.

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