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Schanze der Zukunft:

K-Point: ca. 80 m
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1962
Status: project not realized


K-Point: ca. 55 m
Men Winter Hill record: 60.0 m (Heinz Heerklotz DDR, 1955-03-13)
Further jumps: K30, K15
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1951
Conversions: 1962
Operating until: 1971
Year of destruction: 1980


K-Point: 16 m
Further jumps: K10
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 1975
Conversions: 1980
Year of destruction: 1993
Further jumps: no
Status: destroyed
Ski club: SV 53 Röthenbach
Coordinates: 50.847683, 13.584432 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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In Saxonian Röthenbach near Pretzschendorf from 1951 on in Weißeritztal a 60 meter hill was constructed at Borberg by the lead of ski jump constructor Hans Neuber from Frauenstein with the support of the sports fellows from Hennersdorf. Later on the 30 m and 15 m ski jumps were built, just as the 80-meter hill, which could be just for the first trial jumps in 1962. This complex natural ski jumping facility at Borberg was named “Schanzen der Zukunft”. Unfortunately, the design of this "flying hill" was faulty and apart from a few trial jumps, it had never been used.
Incredible were the enormous efforts made by Hans Neuber, who created all three ski jumps by himself in manual work and was literally able to move mountains! The 1968 deceased knew how to build natural ski jumps, which were protected from wind and snow-secure, and on which he even jumped himself!
Very fast ski jumping became very popular and in 1956 the first district championships were organized. The 60 meter hill had been used for competitions until early 1970. The last competition was held on January 11, 1971 - winner was Wolfgang Ruppig, who competed for Reichenau and Lichtenberg. In 1970s, the former SG Röthenbach improved mainly the education of younger ski jumpers, wherefore the “Grundschanze” was constructed in the town centre in 1975. When the "Schanzen der Zukunft" were abandoned and the massive judges' tower was deconstructed in 1980, Grundschanze was extended by another plastic-covered 10-meter jump.
After the political turnover the very cost-intensive competitive sports could no longer be kept up and finally in 1993 the Grundschanze had to be dismantled.

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1)   veit schönherr   wrote on 2012-04-21 at 19:29:

Ich war 2011 über Ostern zum 2.Male vor Ort.Bei der Besichtigung der Anlagen muß ich doch anmerken, die K40 war doch eher eine K46 mit erzielten Weiten um die 60m.Diese Information hat mir Sporfr. Zerlick (ehem. Sportchef) bei einem Gespräch mitgeteilt.Nach seiner Aussage nach, ist auch niemals ein Springer von der K70 runter.Auf Grund von Felsen konnte mit Hacke und Schaufel kein richtiges Anlaufprofil hergestellt werden.Ich habe mal die Meter vom Außlauf der K46 bis zum Außlaufende der K70 dazugemessen und bin auf rund 20m gekommen.Also wären Weiten um die 80m möglich gewesen.Ich verneige mich tief vor diesen Mann der diese Schanzen mit seinen Händen geschaffen hat.

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