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K-Point: 40 m
Men Winter Hill record: 42.5 m ( Schmidt DDR, 1987)
Inrun length: 54 m
Inrun angle: 33°
Landing angle: 36°
Further jumps: K21, K5
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 1932
Conversions: 1957, 1985
Operating until: 1989
Status: out of order
Ski club: SG Dynamo Oybin
Coordinates: 50.834995, 14.731972 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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To promote tourism in the Zittau mountains, a few patrons and the "Zittau tourism club" initiated the construction of the ski jumping hill at Hochwald slope at Hainstraße in Oybin in 1932. With the support of the Reich labor service, the ski jump could be completed after some delays and was subsequently well frequented.
On July 8, 1951, the already ramshackle Hochwaldschanze collapsed under the weight of a tour group of 25 people, leaving many heavily injured. Afterwards, Hochwald-Schanze was reconstructed in 5,500 hours of voluntary labor. It became one of the first plastic-covered ski jumps of GDR and was then operated by sports club Dynamo. The opening in summer 1957 was attended by 5,000 spectators. Training and competition activities afterwards emerged, but then nearly halted in 1972, when the very talented youth jumper Mathias Buse transferred to sports club Dynamo Klingenthal. He had a fabulous development there, so he became vice junior world champion in 1977 and one year later senior double world champion with gold medals on the normal hill and with the team at Lahti.
In the early 1980s, the ski club revived with a new ski jumping hill project. In October 1985, the new junior and pioneer hill with plastic mattings and a judges tower were inaugurated with a Trommel-Cup-competition, a GDR open competition of 12-year-olds which had nationally a very large reputation. Afterward, a central water spraying facility for the plastic mattings and a tiltable starting beam were installed. After the political turnover in 1989 the ski club decayed, ski jumping activities ended, and later the plastic mattings were removed. Although the ski jumps would still be usable in winter time this kind of sports could not revive. In 2006 a competition was organized for the 750th anniversary of Oybin, but it had only a symbolic character for the history of the town.

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6)   Holger Löther   wrote on 2020-01-19 at 15:12:


Ich bin dort im Rahmen des Trommelpokalsprunglauf 1969 gesprungen. War garnicht so schlecht die Anlage. Habe das gut in Erinnerung.

4)   Erhard Seeliger   wrote on 2019-02-20 at 10:14:

Sommer1951 Einsturz des Anlaufturmes an der Sprungsch.Oybin

[b]Im Sommer 1951 bestiegen eine Gruppe Leute den Anlaufturm um sich da fotografieren zu lassen . Plötzlich stürzte der Turm zusammen und begrub die Menschen zwischen die Trümmer. Fazit:17 Schwerstverletzte! Schanzenneubau . Im Winter 1952/53 konnte wieder gesprungen werden.

3)   J. Simon   wrote on 2016-02-17 at 11:40:

doch geirrt

Ups da war ich ein wenig falsch. Das besagte Ferienlager war an der Kottmarschanze Eibau.

2)   J. Simon   wrote on 2016-02-17 at 11:30:

Erinnerungen an Ferienlager

Ist schon 38 Jahre her und wenn ich mich nicht irre war ich dort im Ferienlager. Doch ich erkenne dort nicht mal einen Gebäudekomplex ;.)

1)   R. Rothe   wrote on 2015-11-28 at 12:15:

So verwildert das Gelände des Schanzenareals war, bewachsen mit Sträuchern und Bäumen kann man das gesamte Gelände jetzt wieder erkennen.

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