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K-Point: 40 m
Men Winter Hill record: 43.0 m (Frank Walther GER, 2004-03-07)
Men Summer Hill record: 45.5 m (Daniel Weiß GER, 2005-09-17)
Women Winter Hill record: 32.0 m (Sarina Haustein GER, 2017-08-01)
Inrun length: 48.3 m
Inrun angle: 34°
Take-off length: 4.6 m
Take-off angle: 10°
Take-off height: 1 m
Landing angle: 32°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Year of construction: 1924
Conversions: 1947, 1960 1985-1986, 2003, 2012
Coordinates: 50.635475, 12.938221 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 30 m
Plastic matting: no
Status: destroyed

Eric-Frenzel-Schanzen (Greifenbachtalschanzen):

K-Point: 25 m
Men Winter Hill record: 27.0 m (Tim Westerbeek GER, 2010-01-31)
Men Summer Hill record: 27.0 m (Tom Gerisch GER, 2011-05-21)
Women Winter Hill record: 23.0 m (Klara Lebelt GER, 2017-01-08)
23.0 m (Klara Lebelt GER, 2017-01-08)
Women Summer Hill record: 31.0 m (Melanie Häckert GER, 2006-09-23)
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Further jumps: K9
Year of construction: 1961
Conversions: 1990-1991, 1998, 2009-2011
Coordinates: 50.635854, 12.938444 Google Maps OpenStreetMap


K-Point: 15 m
Men Winter Hill record: 17.5 m (Robin Grünert GER, 2012-03-03)
Men Summer Hill record: 16.0 m (Max Kölling GER, 2011-05-21)
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 2009
Coordinates: 50.635475, 12.938221 Google Maps OpenStreetMap


K-Point: 5 m
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 2020
Status: operating
Coordinates: 50.635586, 12.939017 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 4 m
Plastic matting: yes
Year of destruction: 2019
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 50.635922, 12.938907 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: yes
Status: operating
Ski club: SSV Geyer
Coordinates: 50.635475, 12.938221 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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The Max-Liesche-Schanze which was built up a first time in 1924 was originally a natural jump, which was named after the chairman and supporter of the winter sports club in Geyer. After World War II in 1947 it was enlarged into K43. After the construction of a wooden inrun tower in 1960 jumps over 60 metres were possible (K62) and additionally the smaller Greifenbachtalschanzen were constructed. In middle 1960’s the jump could no longer be used, because of the dilapidated inrun tower. Only in 1985/86 the jump was reconstructed and a inrun tower out of steel with a hydraulic changeable angle and plastic mattings were built.
In 1990/91 the jump got a new plastic covering and it was renamed, because in times of the GDR it was called Greifenbachtalschanze. In 1998 the small and youth jumps were renovated and got new plastic coverings. In 2003 the profile of the Max-Liesche-Schanze was changed a last time, which now has a ceramic inrun trail. The Greifenbachtalschanzen were reconstructed in 2009, when a small K9 jump was added, too. The plastic covering of these junior hills took place in fall 2010. Furthermore a mini jump K4 was completed in 2010/2011.
Max-Liesche-Schanze was equipped with a new ceramic inrun track in fall 2012 and inaugurated on October 7. During severe floods in early June 2013 the home ski jumps of Nordic Combined Eric Frenzel got seriously damaged. Thanks to many voluntary supporters and sponsors the damage to the five ski jumping hills could be fixed quite fast.
In 2019, the K4 was relocated from the right-hand side of the K25 to the right-hand side of the K40. Furthermore, the junior hills at Greifenbachtal were named after Eric Frenzel.

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Hill records K40 (Men):

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Hill records K25 (Men):

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Hill records K25 (Women):

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Hill records K15 (Men):

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5)   Johannes Funke   wrote on 2014-07-01 at 21:33:

Neuer Name Schülerschanzen

Ich habe kürtzlich einen Artikel gelesen, nach dem die 3 Schülerschanzen nun nach dem in Geyer aufgewachsenem Olympiasieger Eric Frenzel benannt wurden.

Hier der Artikel: http://www.ssv-geyer.de/2014-06/miniskiflieger-starten-auf-eric-frenzel-schanze/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=miniskiflieger-starten-auf-eric-frenzel-schanze

Hier noch ein Bild von dem neuen Banner über den Schanzen:


4)   Robin Kirchhoff   wrote on 2014-04-24 at 20:38:

Die K4 ist mit Matten belegt, ich weiß das , da ich letzten Sommer mit meinem Heimatverein Sk Wernigerode ( siehe Zwölfmorgenthalschanzen )im Trainingslager dort war und eine unserer jungen neuen Athletinnen dort zum ersten mal überhaupt einen Sprung von einer Schanze absolvieren konnte. Ein großes Dankeschön auch an den SSV Geyer die Schanzen ließen sich sehr gut springen

3)   Olli   wrote on 2014-01-17 at 23:23:


In der Fotogalerie ab dem Bild 21 ist K4 doch mit Matten zu sehen.

2)   skisprungschanzen.com   wrote on 2014-01-14 at 20:06:


Auf Foto 7 kann man sie im Winter sehen, neben der K25! Auf Fotos auf der Webseite des SSV Geyer kann man sehen, dass sie auch Matten hat. Z.B. hier, leider beim Hochwasser im Juni: http://www.flickr.com/photos/49444687@N02/sets/72157634522734277/show

1)   Emu   wrote on 2014-01-14 at 18:33:

Die K-4 ist auf keinem der Bilder zu sehen... Schade - wenn die Schanze auch Matten hat, koennte sie die zur Zeit kleinste Mattenschanze der Welt sein.

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