Warning: Undefined array key 6 in /customers/0/2/4/skisprungschanzen.com/httpd.www/source/address.php on line 199 Hirschsprung, Altenberg  »  Ski Jumping Hill Archive  »  skisprungschanzen.com

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K-Point: 48 m
Men Winter Hill record: 72.0 m
Conversions: 1980
Operating until: 1988
K48 (1980-1988)K60 (1963-1980)

Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 1923
Conversions: 1931, 1948, 1963, 1980
Operating until: 1988
Year of destruction: 2006
Status: destroyed
Ski club: SSV Altenberg
Coordinates: 50.781847, 13.737719 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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The largest ski jump in the former area of Dresden was the Riesengrundschanze at Hirschsprung, a very close suburb of Altenberg, near today’s luge trail. The first competition on the natural ski jumping hill was held in 1923 and one winter later it was named “Böttrich- Schanze”. The Böttrichs was local ski jumping enthusiasts and sportsmen who did not only support the construction of the hill, but also compete for the ski and luge club of Altenberg very successfully until the 1930’s. In 1931 then the takeoff was enlarged and the new judges tower had also a telephone connection from 1935 on. Hill record at that time was at 48 m. In the years after World War II around 1948/49 the jump was renewed again.
In 1962/63 the ski jumping hill was enlarged and therefore the inrun tower, the landing hill and a judges tower were built with wooden constructions. At this conversions mainly old material of Geisingbergschanze was used. In addition, the ski jump was covered with plastic mattings. Critical Point at that time was 60 m. Years later the whole facility’s profile was converted again, but competitions on the hill took place more and more seldom. It is told that in the end 70’s a jumper from Czechia jumped a new hill record of 72 m. In 1980 the jumping was stopped because of dilapidation and then the hill was made smaller as K48. In 1988 the last official competitions took place (only regional championships) at which only jumps on up to 45 m were possible. Ski jumping in the Altenberg area was declining and the planned reconstruction of the ski jump house 1989/90 failed. In 2006 the last rests of the Riesengrundschanze were removed.

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7)   Frank NIZIAK   wrote on 2016-09-12 at 20:25:


Can anyone tell me how to e-mail Ms. UTE NIZIAK ?
She might be a relative.
I am in USA, Scottsdale, AZ

6)   Frank Görner   wrote on 2016-06-02 at 17:11:

Gibt es in der Geschicht der Schanze die Namen Erich Bauer sprang 1939 32m. Und Helmut Gommlich soll in der Zeit ab 1948 bis in die fünfziger Jahre auf 40m gesprungen sein. Waren beide Bergsteiger von der Schwefelbrüder Gilde oder Schwefelbrüder 09. Wer kann helfen?

5)   Gero Mittasch   wrote on 2015-07-23 at 14:50:

Bin 1964 mit Sportlern von Empor Sohland auf dieser Schanze gesprungen.Der hohe Schanzentisch machte mir etwas Angst.Wie hoch war der Schanzentisch?

Danke für eine Antwort!

4)   Gerd Richter   wrote on 2013-08-04 at 11:02:

Karte und Bild

Hallo skisprungschanzen.com,
vielleicht könnte der Link vom 15.05.2013 (2) unter Karte "Karte" (oben) verlinkt werden?
Besteht die Möglichkeit das Bild: http://www.skisprungschanzen.com/photos/ger/altenberg_hirschsprung/03.jpg vom Autor auf Commons hochzuladen oder ir per Mail zum hochladen/verlinken zu schicken?
Grüße aus dem Osterzgebirge von Gerd

3)   skisprungschanzen.com   wrote on 2013-05-18 at 19:07:

@Gerd Richter

Vielen Dank für den Hinweis auf den korrekten Standort!
Es wurde nun korrigiert!

2)   Gerd Richter   wrote on 2013-05-15 at 19:47:


In dieser Karte http://www.openlinkmap.org/?lat=50.782263100000215&lon=13.736966599999626&zoom=18&id=1616513204&type=node ist die Riesengrundschanze eingetragen. Es wäre wünschenswert, diesen Punkt mit dieser Website und heutigen Bild zu verlinken. Der o.g. kann auf dieser Website genutzt werden. Wenn möglich, kurze Information an geri-oc@t-online.de

Grüße aus dem Osterzgebirge von Gerd

1)   Richter   wrote on 2011-11-18 at 13:24:


es schmerzt schon , zu sehen was da geschehen ist
zumal ich in den 60 . auch mitgesprungen bin ehemals Lauenstein // auch auf Matten
aber alles ist vergänglich. Gruß aus Oberstdorf Allgäu
Wolfgang Richter

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