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K-Point: 42 m
Men Winter Hill record: 52.5 m (Kurt Richter GER, 1959-11-18)
Total height: 69 m
Take-off angle:
Take-off height: 2 m
Landing angle: 35°
Year of construction: 1951
Conversions: 1952-54, 1963, 1968
Operating until: 1970
Year of destruction: 1979
K-Point: 20 m
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1961
Operating until: ca. 1985
Year of destruction: 1993
K-Point: 12 m
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1936
Operating until: 1939
Further jumps: no
Year of construction: 1935
Status: destroyed
Ski club: SCR Schnaittach
Coordinates: 49.55420, 11.35663 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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First winter sports activities at the slopes of Rothenberg at Schanittach with its castle ruin already took place in 1907. During 1930s the desire to build a ski jumping hill in Franconian Jura came up. Only shortly after the Skiclub Rothenberg Schnaittach was founded, first trial ski jumps were performed on a temporary ski jump at the location of today's medical cabin in December 1935. In early February 1936 a wooden ski jump was set up in front of the guesthouse at Rothenberg, which allowed jumps of around 12-14 meters. In 1937 a larger ski jumping hill was supposed to be build at the northern slope of Rothenberg according to plans by Carl J. Luther, but the forest authorities declined permission. In 1940 the approval was finally received, but then World War II interfered.
After the war ski jump construction efforts resumed in 1949. In 1951 the construction of a 50-meter hill started at a new location on the western slope of Rothenberg. Rothenbergschanze could be inaugurated on February 3, 1952 with a competition attended by 4,000 spectators. Hermann Eck from Gmund am Tegernsee set the first hill record of 40.5 meters. Until winter 1954-55 many improvements to the natural hill were carried out. Architect Fred Heiler from Reit im Winkl design a hill profile conforming to standards, the inrun was elongated and improved, a judges tower was built and spectator stands were put in place.
With Kurt Richter a promising talent developed in Schnaittach, who improved the hill record up to 52.5 meters in 1959. Competitions during that time were attended by up to 7,000 spectators. In 1961 the 20-meter junior hill was added and in 1963 the take-off of the larger hill was converted according to plans by Heini Klopfer. After three winters with little snow, the ski jump was covered with plastic mattings in 1968, which however caused problems especially during winter.
On February 8, 1970 the last cup competition was held at Schnaittach, then a landslide destroyed the landing hill in spring 1970. Plans to restore large Rothenbergschanze were finally abandoned in 1972 due to financial reasons and in 1979 the hill was finally deconstructed. The junior hill was still used until 1980s and removed in 1993. Today both hills are completely over-grown and hardly recognizable. SCR Schnaittach is still active in cross-country and alpine skiing with a small lift at Rothenberg. For some time, the slope was also covered with plastic mattings for summer skiing!

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