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Hill Size: HS 89
K-Point: 86 m
Men Winter Hill record: 94.0 m (Hubert Schwarz BRD, 1986)
Coordinates: 47.612890, 10.513060 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 50 m
Coordinates: 47.613010, 10.513110 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 37 m
Coordinates: 47.614710, 10.511400 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1928
Conversions: 1951, 1966, 1983
Status: destroyed
Ski club: SK Nesselwang
Coordinates: 47.612890, 10.513060 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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Already in 1910, the year of the founding of the local ski club, a large and a smaller natural jumping hill stood at Wankerberg, which were prepared and used in winter time by the ski club.
When the SK Nesselwang prepared the hosting of the ski championships of the Allgäu in 1928, the jump was set up a first time in summer was used many times in the following years by the local jumpers.
After World War II the facility was dilapidated and in 1951 Heini Klopfer had made the plans for a complete new construction. The critical point was at about 50 m and at the opening ceremony the jump was named after one of the founding fathers of the ski club and former president Hans Riefler who was a fascinated skier and supporter of the skiing youth of Nesselwang.
Unfortunately the landing hill was destroyed in 1963 because of bad weather and many landslides, but already 1966 the reconstruction began which was connected with an enlargement into a K70 hill. The latest bigger change was made in 1983 with a profile changing according to FIS rules. The new K86 also had K45 jumping hill leading into the same landing hill. Now Nesselwang had nearly every year great international competitions of the Nordic Combined at which the top of the world competed.
In the middle 80’s the takeoff was made new again and the K-Point became even a little larger. Later it became quiet about the Hans-Riefler-Schanze which saw the last competition in 1987. One reason for it was the introduction of World Cup competitions for Nordic Combined and in Germany already Reit im Winkl and Schonach were hosting these competitions.
Most successful athlete of the ski club was Franz Keller who was vice world champion of Nordic Combination 1966, world champion and Olympic Gold Medal Winner 1968 at Grenoble. He also reached other great international wins as a victory at Holmenkollen. Today cross-country skiing and biathlon are more popular with the ski club.

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1)   Fischer Franz   wrote on 2018-01-27 at 15:39:

Hallo Verwalter einer vergangenen Epoche.
Zeigt doch ein paar Fotos aus vergangener Zeit, als die Schanze noch intakt war, als sie umgebaut wurde in den 50 zigern 60 zigern und als Franz noch mit seinem unvergesslichem Stil brillierte. Auch der Film mit uns und Franzl wäre sicher ein Hype.
Ein alter Nesselwanger aus der schweizer Diaspora.

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