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K-Point: 70 m
Men Winter Hill record: 73.0 m (G. Zeitler BRD, 1948)
Year of construction: 1947
Coordinates: 47.43103, 11.26796 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

Schanze am Gletscherschliff:

K-Point: 50 m
Men Winter Hill record: 53.0 m (Harald Sørensen NOR, 1936)
Year of construction: 1934
Coordinates: 47.42447, 11.25444 Google Maps OpenStreetMap


K-Point: 30 m
Men Winter Hill record: 33.0 m
Year of construction: 1924
Coordinates: 47.43521, 11.23242 Google Maps OpenStreetMap


K-Point: 28 m
Men Winter Hill record: 34.0 m (H. Knilling GER, 1931)
Year of construction: 1922
Coordinates: 47.441704, 11.255183 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: no
Status: destroyed
Ski club: Ski-Club Mittenwald
Coordinates: 47.43103, 11.26796 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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In the history of Mittenwald, which is famous as a centre of violin making and Lüftlmalerei (house painting), there were ski jumping hills on nearly all parts of the town.
Already in 1921 the first ski jump was constructed at “Audele”. Later hills like the one on the Isar bridge at lower Rain, on Kranzberg near Sankt Anton, on the Gröbalm and also in Krausegarten were existing in the period before and after World War II – most of them only with short endurance.
With the ski jump in the “Puit”, a slope in today’s spa gardens, the skiing activities in Mittenwald concentrated from 1922 on, since Alpine competitions were hosted there on weekends, too. Carnival and night competitions on the ski jump had been very popular until 1950’s, but in 1960 the jump had to be destroyed.
In 1924 the ski jump at Lauter Lake was set up with a landing hill running over a road. Because of its outrun the Lautersee Chapel had to be torn down at the shore and was reconstructed behind the hotel at the footpath. This jumping facility was a typical “fall jump” of that times with a steep landing angle, leading to several serious injuries after falls. Due to this insufficiency last jumps on this hill were performed in early 1930’s and then the planning for new Gletscherschliffschanze started. In January 1935 the new ski jump could be inaugurated and in the same year Norway’s Olympic Gold Medal winner of 1936 Birger Ruud jumped there, too. The last hill record was set up by Norway’s Sörensen during the Christmas competition in 1936 with 53 meters non-competitive.
In 1947 the ski jumping hill expert C. J. Luther from Munich took over the terrain measurements and calculation of the profile of new Karwendelschanze, which was inaugurated in December of the same year. Several Bavarian champs like Weiler, Brutscher, Kleisl, Hohenleitner, Olympic Gold medal winners Bolkart and Keller, but also world class jumpers from Austria later participated in Grenzland- and Cup-competitions. In 1950’s plans for construction a ski flying hill, just the same size as Oberstdorf, were made, but never realized. In 1966 the Karwendelschanze was seriously damaged, because it was used for purposes other than intended, by letting wood slide down. The outrun was afterwards repaired by the causing company, but the other reconstruction works couldn’t be financed by the ski club.
Still worth mentioning is, that Roland Audenrieth was the last ski jumper from Mittenwald being member of the German national team from 2000 to 2002.

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