Warning: Undefined array key 6 in /customers/0/2/4/skisprungschanzen.com/httpd.www/source/address.php on line 199 Immenstadt  »  Ski Jumping Hill Archive  »  skisprungschanzen.com

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K-Point: 90 m
Men Winter Hill record: 97.0 m (Max Bolkart BRD)
Year of construction: 1948
Coordinates: 47.551790, 10.224219 Google Maps OpenStreetMap


K-Point: 45 m
Year of construction: 1952


K-Point: 40 m
Year of construction: 1909


K-Point: 40 m
Year of construction: 1912
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: no
Status: destroyed
Ski club: SC Immenstadt
Coordinates: 47.551790, 10.224219 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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The first artificial ski jumping hill of Immenstadt was built up by the young local ski club in 1909. The daily press wrote about the a bit strange facility as follows:
“The new jumping hill on the northern slopes of Mittag, situated closely to the town, is now completed with a total amount of costs of several hundreds of Marks. With an angle of 22° the 90 m long inrun drags down to the hill’s take-off. It consists of a might wooden construction, which will be torn down in springs and then be rebuilt in late falls. Then the landing hill runs down by 30° in order to lead into a completely flat and very long outrun after about 70 meters.”
At the opening on December 12, 1909 a large amount of spectators gazes at the courage of foreign and local jumpers, among them the planner of the facility, Munich-based editorial journalist Luther. The jump was accessible for anybody, but protected against unauthorized usage by a strong chain. The key was available at the hotel “Bayerischer Hof” against a disclaimer of warranty confirmed in writing. In later years the jump was only constructed out of snow and was existing until 1960, known under the name “Bäumleschanze”.
For the hosting of German Championships in 1912 in the Wildegund area the first ski jumping hill for competitions was constructed. In 1920 the ski club received the communal permission to build up a new jump at the lower slope of Wildegund Alp. Years later the club applied for the new-construction of a 50 meter jumping hill at Gaisbühl. First the city council denied, but then gave acceptance in 1927. The jumping hill was widely known as “Waldschanze” and was only given up in 1980’s, the inrun tower then destructed in 1986.
After the end of World War II there was just as everywhere a permission to found clubs by the occupying powers, but with the abolishment the construction of a new ski jumping hill designed by C. J. Luther at the northern side of Mittag (1452 m) was decided. The first dig was done on May 8, 1948 and on June 20 the currency reform happened, which forced the works under communal administration to stop. But then the ski club took over and continued the construction in July 1948 without capital resources and under difficult conditions.
The ski jump was then inaugurated on January 6, 1950 and was at that time the largest natural jumping hill of whole Germany. 10,000 spectators attended Sepp Weiler from Oberstdorf as the winner of the opening competition. In 1952 additionally the smaller “Kombinationsschanze” was set up and in 1958 the lower part of the landing hill was improved. Over the years of the existence of Mittagschanze the ski club developed into a national and international host of large ski jumping events. Beside the best ski jumpers of the DSV, many other strong ski jumping nations like Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Sweden, USA, DDR and Czechoslovakia participated.
In spite to that the sports facility could never completely fulfil the glorious expectations of inhabitants, local business and the city. After a long period of rain in the night of June 1/2, 1965, a landslide crossing over the landing hill of the jump caused an enormous damage, which made a reconstruction impossible due to the high financial efforts which would have been necessary.

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