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Sachsenbergschanze / Karl-Scharrer-Schanze:

K-Point: 50 m
Men Winter Hill record: 52.0 m (Robert Stadler BRD, 1960)
Further jumps: K25
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1928
Conversions: 1947, 1959
Status: destroyed
Ski club: TSV 1862 Grafenau / WSV Grafenau
Coordinates: 48.86275, 13.38655 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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The only ski jumping site of the district Freyung-Grafenau was located at the south-eastern slope of "Hohen Sachsen" (725 m) and the outrun ended directly next to the train line near the city border of Grafenau. The jump was built by the winter sports club and inaugurated on January 19, 1929 as "Karl-Scharrer-Schanze". It was named after the Grafenau native, sponsor and senior executive of the administrative district office. The competitions held until 1939, when the WSV was integrated into TSV, were always well-attended.
Resonance for the first competition after World War II in January 1947 was quite poor, but with the first night event in 1953 spectator numbers grew steadily. The ski hill had a critical point of 34 meters and K. Stöckel, A. Mück and K. Nätscher equally held the hill record of 38 meters, which was valid until the conversion.
Thus the ski jumping hill was completely converted and enlarged in 1958-59. The first cost estimate was at expensive 15,000 DM, but with the engagement of divison head Xaver Süß , the construction could be realized by the help of to voluntary working hours by the club members, financial aid of the main club and a building stone donation action supported by a textile firm from Grafenau. The old, natural take-off remained, but a new 15 meter high inrun tower was built along with a new judges tower. A smaller ski jump for the youngsters was added onto the new-profiled landing hill.
With the organization of the Bayerwald championships the 50-meter hill was inaugurated in January 1960 and now called "Sachsenbergschanze". Winner was Robert Stadler from Grafenau, who could celebrate his biggest victory towards the end of his career. Traditionally an annual competition was organized on Epiphany, often attende by up to 2000 spectators.
Unfortunately the hill had to be removed in 1978 for the construction of a new bypass road. The estate was relieved from the club and a new area at Schwaimberg found for a new-construction. A new 90 meter hill was planned by the famous ski jump architect Heini Klopfer from Oberstdorf and first wood clearings were already done. But the critics of the project finally were right, since after long delays the persons in charged realized that the financing of the construction of the new hill and its operation would not be manageable for the club and the community. All wintersports disciplines were meant to concentrate in the Bavarian Forest and this decision did not allow the realization of the project.

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