Warning: Undefined array key 6 in /customers/0/2/4/skisprungschanzen.com/httpd.www/source/address.php on line 199 Olympiaschanze, Garmisch-Partenkirchen  »  Ski Jumping Hill Archive  »  skisprungschanzen.com

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Große Olympiaschanze:

Hill Size: HS 142
K-Point: 125 m
Men Winter Hill record: 145.0 m (Anders Jacobsen NOR, 2014-12-31, WC)
Men Winter Official hill record: 145.0 m (Michael Hayböck AUT, 2025-01-01, WC)
Men Summer Hill record: 144.0 m (Andreas Wellinger GER, 2024-10-13, N-T-GER)
Women Winter Hill record: 143.5 m (Nika Prevc SLO, 2024-12-30, WC)
Women Winter Official hill record: 137.5 m (Eva Pinkelnig AUT, 2024-12-31, WC)
Women Summer Hill record: 135.5 m (Katharina Althaus GER, 2024-10-13, N-T-GER)
Tower height: 60.4 m
Inrun length: 96 m
Inrun angle: 35°
Take-off length: 6.9 m
Take-off angle: 11°
Take-off height: 3.2 m
Speed: 94.3 km/h
Landing angle: 34.7°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Year of construction: 2007
Coordinates: 47.479753, 11.119564 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K125 (2007-...)K115 (1996-2007)K107 (1978-1996)K80 (1950-1978)K80 (1934-1940)

Mittlere Olympiaschanze:

Hill Size: HS 89
K-Point: 80 m
Men Winter Hill record: 89.0 m (Antonín Hájek CZE)
Men Summer Hill record: 87.5 m (Antonín Hájek CZE, 2002-08-03)
Women Winter Hill record: 80.0 m (Jenny Nowak GER, 2017-02-12)
Women Summer Hill record: 71.5 m (Eva Ganster AUT, 2002-08-17)
Tower height: 24 m
Inrun length: 85.7 m
Inrun angle: 30°
Take-off length: 6 m
Take-off angle: 10.5°
Take-off height: 2.5 m
Speed: 82.4 km/h
Landing angle: 33.9°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Conversions: 2002, 2014
Coordinates: 47.480304, 11.119288 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K80 (2002-...)K77 (1963-2001)K50 (1935-1963)K45 (1902-1934)

Kleine Olympiaschanzen:

Hill Size: HS 47
K-Point: 43 m
Men Summer Hill record: 46.0 m (Michal Szymeczek CZE, 2001-08-03)
46.0 m (Thomas Thurnbichler AUT, 2001-09-16)
Women Summer Hill record: 42.5 m (Šarlote Šķēle LAT, 2013-07-26)
Take-off angle: 10°
Landing angle: 33°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Conversions: 2010
Coordinates: 47.480834, 11.119161 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 20 m
Men Winter Hill record: 22.0 m (Christoph Zornig GER)
Women Summer Hill record: 14.0 m (Sabrina Bader GER, 2001-09-16)
Conversions: 2010
Coordinates: 47.480983, 11.118771 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 20 m
Further jumps: K10
Year of destruction: 2007
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 47.480826, 11.118331 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: yes
Spectator capacity: 20,000
Year of construction: 1920
Conversions: 1934, 1950, 1978, 1996, 2007
Status: operating
Ski club: SC Partenkirchen
Coordinates: 47.479753, 11.119564 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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Already in the beginning of 20th century there were first ski jumping hills at Garmisch-Partenkirchen on Kochelberg, Gudiberg and Hausberg. Since 1921 the Ski-Club Partenkirchen has been hosting traditional New Year’s competition.
When the Winter Olympics 1936 were given to the new double-city Garmisch-Partenkirchen, people began to build the “real” Olympiaschanze at Gudiberg in October 1933. At the first trial competition on February 5th 1934 the Norwegian Rolf Kaarby jumped widest at 70 metres. Around 5,000 spectators watched the “baptism” of the jump.
The total spectator record was set up at the “Große Olympiaschanze” during the Olympic Winter Games 1936. 130,000 visitors were witnesses of a unique ski jumping event, which was won by the Norwegian Birger Ruud with jumps on 75 and 74,5 metres. After that Garmisch also should host the Olmpics 1940 and the still today existing ski stadium, which is a landmarked monument, was constructed.
The Große Olympiaschanze was adapted several times to changing standards. 1950 the inrun tower out of steel was built, which was at that time unique in architecture and construction. With the enlargement of the inrun and backshifting of the takeoff with the same K-Point, unchanged inrun angle and a conversion of the landing hill the whole jump was enlarged. With new Year’s competition on January 1, 1953 the very first “German-Austrian” Ski Jumper’s Tournament started.
In 1978 the jump was converted again and the K-Point enlarged to 107 meters. Another conversion was in 1996, when the profile of the jump was adapted to modern rules and changed into K115. During 2000 a modern lift was added to the skiing stadium and a glass cabine on the inrun tower was built.
Then already more than 50 year old ski jumping hill was then blown up on April 14, 2007, because the hill certificate did no longer confirm to FIS criteria. Under immense pressure of time works started, in order to complete the futuristic 14 m. € expensive K125 ski jump just in time for New Year’s competition 2008. The very first jumps then were performed during COC competitions on December 21 and 22, but then a New Year’s Competition 2008 could perform a first official hill record with 141 meters. The last works of the covering the inrun tower and installing the plastic mattings were finished in June 2008.
On August 22, 2010 finally also the two reconstructed and plastic covered junior jumping hills K43 and K20 could be inaugurated.
Due to wind difficulties at the large Olympiaschanze a 1500 sqm big wind shield was installed inbetween take-off and judges' tower in December 2011. Furthermore a measuring system for take-off timing and strength was installed into the Ski-Line inrun track and shall be used for the first time during New Year's Competition 2012, too.

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Hill records K125 (Men):

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Hill records K125 (Women):

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Hill records K80 (Men):

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Hill records K80 (Women):

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Hill records K43 (Men):

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20)   ROMAN VISNAR   wrote on 2025-01-06 at 16:56:


Im Namen der slowenischen Springbegeisterten im Damenwettbewerb sind wir sehr beleidigt über die Einstellung Ihrer Organisation zu Spitzenleistungen, die mit den Ergebnissen im Herrenwettbewerb vergleichbar sind. Ganz Slowenien ist empört und diskutiert über den Preis, den die Springer in der Qualifikation gewonnen haben. die Dame, die die Toilette putzte, oder der Herr, der Bier verkaufte, verdienten mehr. Kommen Sie nach Slowenien, Polen oder in ein anderes ärmeres Land und lassen Sie sich beraten, wie Sie Sponsoren für einen Top-Wettbewerb finden. In Slowenien schenken wir den Gästen in jedem besseren Hotel Handtücher und Shampoo als Souvenir.
Grüße aus der Steiermark

19)   Eberhard Jurgalski   wrote on 2024-10-15 at 01:18:

Jule vorher

Juliane Seyfarth davor eingestellt 132.5

18)   Eberhard Jurgalski   wrote on 2024-10-15 at 01:16:


13.10.2024 135.5 m new record.

17)   Eberhard Jurgalski   wrote on 2023-12-31 at 20:12:


Danke, Sascha!

16)   Sascha Hädrich   wrote on 2023-12-31 at 19:53:

@Eberhard Jurgalski


15)   Sascha Hädrich   wrote on 2023-12-31 at 19:53:

@Eberhard Jurgalski

Hallo Eberhard, Eirin hatte ihre Hand im Schnee und deshalb zählt der Sprung als gestürzt.

14)   Eberhard Jurgalski   wrote on 2023-12-31 at 08:27:

138 m gestürzt?

Hallo! Die 138 m sind ja in rot. Ist die Gute gestürzt oder war eine Hand im Schnee? Oder markiert ihr es auch rot, wenn es nicht offiziell ist, wie in diesem Fall im Training?

13)   Gut   wrote on 2020-05-26 at 00:10:

Guten Tag, es würde mich interessieren wie groß die Auslauffläche im Stadion ist. Länge x Breite
Vielen Dank im Voraus.
Hans-Dieter Gut,Luisenthaler Str. 3, 61184 Karben

12)   Sweet   wrote on 2020-01-08 at 00:02:

New record??


11)   Sweet   wrote on 2020-01-01 at 00:36:

New record??

Simon Ammann's record have today 10th anniversary, and there is a question, somebody can beat it today?!! LET'S SEE!!

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