Warning: Undefined array key 6 in /customers/0/2/4/skisprungschanzen.com/httpd.www/source/address.php on line 199 Kälberstein, Berchtesgaden  »  Ski Jumping Hill Archive  »  skisprungschanzen.com

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Hill Size: HS 98
K-Point: 90 m
Men Winter Hill record: 100.5 m (Andreas Goldberger AUT, 1995)
Men Summer Hill record: 103.0 m (Ben Bayer GER, 2021-09-05)
Women Winter Hill record: 102.0 m (Daniela Iraschko-Stolz AUT)
Women Summer Hill record: 102.0 m (Daniela Iraschko-Stolz AUT, 2003-07-19)
Inrun length: 75.98 m
Inrun angle: 37.5°
Take-off length: 6.35 m
Take-off angle: 11°
Take-off height: 2.1 m
Speed: 86.4 km/h
Landing angle: 36.5°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Year of construction: 1924
Conversions: 1946, 1980, 1999
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 47.635559, 12.991211 Google Maps OpenStreetMap


Hill Size: HS 64
K-Point: 62.5 m
Men Summer Hill record: 68.5 m (Fabian Seidl GER, 2015-07-18)
Women Summer Hill record: 62.5 m (Annika Kinne GER, 2023-11-11)
Take-off angle: 10°
Landing angle: 35°
Year of construction: 1977
Coordinates: 47.635816, 12.990949 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Hill Size: HS 30
K-Point: 27 m
Men Summer Hill record: 29.5 m (Felix Glassner GER)
29.5 m (Lukas Heumann GER, 2015-09-19)
Women Summer Hill record: 28.5 m (Sara Pokorny AUT, 2019-06-30)
Take-off angle: 9.5°
Landing angle: 31.5°
Year of construction: 1994
Coordinates: 47.636136, 12.990514 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Hill Size: HS 18
K-Point: 18 m
Men Winter Hill record: 17.5 m
Men Summer Hill record: 18.0 m (Matěj Cejchan CZE, 2009-09-19)
Women Summer Hill record: 16.5 m (Elisabeth Schellmoser GER, 2003-05-07)
Take-off angle: 8.5°
Landing angle: 28°
Year of construction: 2003
Coordinates: 47.636797, 12.989563 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 12 m
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 47.636594, 12.988468 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 8 m
Year of construction: 2016
Coordinates: 47.636707, 12.989775 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 1924
Status: operating
Ski club: Ski-Klub Berchtesgaden
Coordinates: 47.635559, 12.991211 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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The first ski jumping hill of Ski-Klub Berchtesgaden was constructed at Stockklausnerfeld in 1908, where jumps on up to 20 m were possible. Every year this natural snow jumping hill was new built and enlarged and in 1914 winner’s distances where already at 30 m. In 1919 Lustheimer Schanze was constructed and three years later the Wahlschanze. There the longest jump was measured with 39 m.
Despite of the upcoming alpine skiing sports, ski jumping still boomed. In early 1920’s many more hills were built up at Berchtesgaden, which didn’t exist very long: the jump at the hospital, Göllsteinschanze, Semmlerschanze the jump at shooting range, the Wiesenschanze and the one on Obersalzberg.
In 1924 the ski jumping hill at Kälberstein was constructed after the ski hill specialist C. J. Luther from Munich agreed to the location. In February 1925 the inauguration competition was hosted – winners were brothers Neuner from Partenkirchen with 49 meters. On this jump German championships were hosted in 1929 and 1934, when the K-Point was already enlarged to 60 meters.
After World War II completely destroyed Kälbersteinschanze was reconstructed and regular national and later also international competitions were organized. The jump was continuously converted and enlarged. Then in 1970’s the long-planned idea of a complete new-construction of ski jumping hills was started and realized. In 1977 the middle size plastic covered hill K62.5 was finished for 1.7m DM. The hill record today has been pushed up to 68 m by M. Mežnar (SLO).
In 1979 large Kälbersteinschanze was modernized for 2.25m DM and inaugurated in 1980 with plastic covering. At that time it was the most modern hill of whole Western Europe, because it already had an automatically watering system of mattings, a take-off speed measuring system and in 1981 an electronic distance measurement by Robotron company (DDR) was installed. The ski jumping facility is now part of the federal training centre Berchtesgaden and after 2000 the Summer Grand Prix of Nordic Combined made a regular stop on Kälbersteinschanze.
Meanwhile, the whole ski jumping facility has become out-dated and does no more fulfill the latest requirements anymore. A profound modernization would be necessary, but the municipality of Berchtesgaden cannot afford the costs itself. In April 2011, the decision was made to invest another 200,000 Euro for the maintenance of Kälberstein ski jumping hills until 2015. Finally, in January 2021 it was decided to modernize large Kälbersteinschanze until 2023 for around 6 million Euros. The wooden inrun tower shall be replaced by a steel and reinforced concrete structure with an elevator and a new judges' tower is to be built.

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Hill records K90 (Men):

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Hill records K90 (Women):

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Hill records K62.5 (Men):

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Hill records K62.5 (Women):

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Hill records K27 (Men):

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Hill records K27 (Women):

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Hill records K18 (Men):

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7)   Anton Waldmann   wrote on 2016-09-04 at 11:25:


zählt das Ergebnis nicht als Schanzenrekord?

102,0 m (Daniela Iraschko-Stolz AUT

Frauen dürfen wohl nicht besser sein als Männer

6)   Kucan Sylvia   wrote on 2016-02-14 at 16:11:

Peter Prevc

Mein größter Wunsch wäre, eine Bronzestatue für P. Prevc zu erstellen, er ist der BESTE Slovene aller Zeiten!!! ;-) S. Kucan

5)   Gräbert   wrote on 2015-09-20 at 09:43:

Schanzenrekord K30 eingestellt

Gestern (19.09.2015) wurde der Schanzenrekord im Rahmen der "Internationalen Kinder Vier-Schanzen Tournee" auf der K30 Schanze mit 29,5m durch Lucas Heumann, WSV Oberaudorf eingestellt. Siehe http://www.ergebnisse.jumpdata.at/listen/els20150919.pdf

4)   Max   wrote on 2015-08-10 at 15:44:

Neue Sommerschanzenrekorde HS64 & HS98

Am 18.07.15 HS64: Fabian Seidl 68,5m (Int. Mattenspringen HS64)
Am 01.08.15 HS98: Patrick Kogler & Moritz Echsler 101,5m (Int. Mattenspringen HS98)

Link: http://www.skberchtesgaden.de/home-aktuelles/

3)   Vesna Arh (NSD Bohinj)   wrote on 2014-01-04 at 16:39:


wir sind ein Skisprungverein (NSD Bohinj) aus Slowenien, aus Bohinj. In Bohinj haben wir vor zwei Jahren 4 Schanzen (H10, H15, H20 und H30) gebaut. Es interessiert uns, ob Sie in Neustadt auch einen Verein haben (Kinder von 7 bis 15 Jahren), die mit unseren Kindern einen Austausch machen könnten. Bis zum 15. Mai gibt es nähmlich eine europäissche Ausschreibung, an der wir und SIe teilenhmen könnten. Haben Sie Interesse daran?
Viele Grüße
Vesna Arh, Nordijsko smučarsko društvo Bohinj

2)   Johannes Funke   wrote on 2013-09-08 at 19:51:


Hier die Ergebnisliste als Nachweis: http://skberchtesgaden.de/c_medien/dat-521.pdf

1)   Johannes Funke   wrote on 2013-09-08 at 19:49:

Neuer Schanzenrekord HS 98

Heute beim Deutschlandpokal wurde ein neuer Schanzenrekord (Herren) aufgestellt. Tim Fuchs ist 101 Meter gesprungen

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