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K-Point: 50 m
Men Winter Hill record: 54.0 m (Kurt Kramer BRD, 1937-02-14)
Year of construction: 1933
Conversions: 1934
Coordinates: 48.282825, 8.983271 Google Maps OpenStreetMap


K-Point: 25 m
Year of construction: 1935
Coordinates: 48.283096, 8.983553 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: no
Spectator capacity: 4,000
Operating until: 1962
Year of destruction: 1965
Status: destroyed
Ski club: SV Onstmettingen (1946-1950), SC Onstmettingen
Coordinates: 48.282825, 8.983271 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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After several attempts, finally in 1993, the Zollern-Alb-Schanze in Onstmettingen was built. It was located on a hill, which offered stable snow conditions. On January 1934, it could be used for the first time. During this competition, Max Strienz from Meßstetten set the first hill record of 31 meters.
Strangely, the actual inauguration of the hill took place only on February 11th, after it was not possible on the actual date, January 28, due to a lack of snow. Despite the fact, that about 4,000 spectators visited the opening competition, there were also bad news: According to the club chronicle, two jumpers broke their leg and also Strienz crashed after his jump on 34 meters, which would have been a new hill record.
Following that, more building measures took place on the hill, which lasted until December. On January 12th 1935, the hill was blocked after the first few test jumps. Again, bad snow conditions made it impossible to jump safely. But only one week later, the first competition on the enlarged hill took place. Already the first jump by an athlete from Tuttlingen was a new hill record of 32 meters. The longest jump was performed by Ernst Gerstenecker, unfortunately the distance was not mentioned. According to the reports, it was around 50 meters, which also meant that the renovated ski jump was almost twice as big as it was before and only suitable for well-experienced and skilled jumpers. Nevertheless, it was homologated for international competitions by the German Ski Federation (DSV) because it matched newest norms of the International Ski Federation (FIS).
In September, the proposal for the construction of a new, smaller, ski jump was made, so the construction works could start in November. Even thought lots of volunteers attended the first workdays, it became clear that the works will not be finished before the winter would start. So, the construction company of the Gonser brothers was asked to carry the works out, for just 800 Reichsmark. Only a month later, the new ski jump, which stood on the left-hand-side of the large one, could be used for the first time. The opening competition, scheduled for January 1st 1936, had to be canceled after the training jumps on December 29th.
It took until February 14th 1937, until finally competitions could be held. First winner on the smaller hill became Willy Fritz, also from Meßstetten. Kurt Kramer from Tuttlingen set the new and unbeaten hill record of 54 meters.
Unfortunately, there are almost no reports from WW2-days due to the fact that the protocol book of the ski club disappeared at the time of the French occupation.
On January 21st 1950, the club, which was called SV Onstmettingen since 1946, was annulled after a secret voting of its members which resulted in 94 to 31 votes. But only a year later, on January 30th 1951, the SC Onstmettingen was founded.
But it took until January 20th 1952, until the first competitions took place. In course of the Schwaben junior championships, the ski jumpers jumped the larger hill, whilst the Nordic Combiners used both hills. The year ended on a high: Even before the club was officially registered on November 27th, it was required to be a host of the German junior championships in 1953 and 1954.
On December 2nd, the proposal of the installation of floodlights was made. It costed 4,000 German Marks, but was ready to use on January 6th 1953. The first night competition was held on January 10th, until the highlight of the year, the German junior championships, followed on February 22nd. The edition in the following year was about to be canceled, but about 200 trucks packed with snow saved the competitions.
In the winter 1962/1963, the facility could not be used and so the floodlights were taken from there to the local ski lift. There, the SCO was able to earn quite some money after buying a snow gun and adapting the fees for the use of the ski lift in the following years.
At the end of 1965, the facility was finally closed. Building waste was applied onto the natural inrun and landing slope to avoid any further use.
The most successful ski jumper and Nordic Combiner in town was Willy Thoma, who competed in two German national championships, and joined the national team on its preparation camp in Cortina d'Ampezzo in 1955 for the Olympic Games in the following year. With Robert Metzger, who was present at 13 World Cup competitions and four times at the Four Hills Tournament, the club also had a well-respected FIS judge.

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