Warning: Undefined array key 6 in /customers/0/2/4/skisprungschanzen.com/httpd.www/source/address.php on line 199 Christophstal, Freudenstadt  »  Ski Jumping Hill Archive  »  skisprungschanzen.com

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K-Point: 55 m
Men Winter Hill record: 62.0 m (Rolf Ries GER, 1951)
Further jumps: K15
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1922
Conversions: 1932, 1951
Status: destroyed
Ski club: Schneelauf-Verein Freudenstadt
Coordinates: 48.458906, 8.403227 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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Already the construction of the ski jumping hill at Bärenschlösschen in Christophstal in 1922 was drastically influenced by the up-coming world economy crisis at Freudenstadt. At a city council meeting in this time there was a discussion about exploding costs for the uncompleted ski jumping hill. So the wage rate per hour of the emergency workers rose up from 120 to 240 marks, the currency devaluation grew from weekly! Despite of galloping inflation the Schwarzwaldschanze could be opened with the 12th Swabian championships on January 28 & 29, 1923 and was the home of the ski jumping elite of Freudenstadt in the following years.
At the German ski jumping championships in 1933 the competition of junior jumpers was held on Schwarzwaldschanze. Therefore the facility was renewed and enlarged by voluntary workers in 1932. The ski jump was set back 12 meters, the critical point was enlarged from 48 to 55 meters. A 15 m high wooden inrun tower, as well as a 2.5 m take-off was constructed and the angle of 10 meters wide landing hill now was at 36 degrees. Until 1942/43 many competitions with participants of Swabian ski jumping clubs had been organized. At these times the ski jump was belonging to best of the whole region, together with Ruhesteinschanze, Murgtalschanze and Bergergrundschanze.
After World War II and the renewing of the skiing division, in 1951 the ski jumping facility was prepared and converted for the German Nordic Skiing Championships 1953. For a last time jumpers from whole Germany were participating on Schwarzwaldschanze, where competition of Nordic Combined was held.
Unforegetable were the night events, which had been existing since 1952, because very often an attendance of 3000 spectators was watching. The last hour of Schwarzwaldschanze had come on October 3, 1967. The security of the jump was no more guaranteed, because the wooden construction was rotten and decayed. It had to be torn down. In 1969 at the same place a junior jumping hill was constructed, which was only standing for some few years.

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1)   Koch, Hans-Joachim   wrote on 2014-06-18 at 11:56:

Suche für meine Heimatsammlung alte Postkarten von Sprungschanze im Christophstal.

Hans-Joachim Koch, Rappenstrasse 24, 72250 Fre3udenstadt

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