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4000th facility has been added to the Ski Jumping Hill Archive
7000th ski jumping hill added to the Archive!
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Copper Peak: Funding of the renovation finally secured
K-Point: | 25 m |
The story of the construction of Schafbergschanze is definitely extraordinary. First of all, it is not documented, only a few contemporary witnesses have told about it. The two Förster brothers, Werner and Manfred, both club members of SG Grüne Eiche Großthiemig, were ambitions sportsmen and wanted to try ski jumping, after they already competed in cross country skiing.
So, in 1956 they took a profile draft of a ski jump from a book and started constructing a real ski jump, after they already built a prototype. The whole project lasted for three years, 1244 hours of work were invested. Everything was handmade, including the turf in the outrun, which was cut out from somewhere else and placed at the bottom of the hill.
Lack of material was no reason to stop the works for the activists. As they had no shovels, they took them from a nearby construction site. But this was not the only thing, which was not completely legal, as there was no approval for the construction of the ski jump.
Still, the Schafbergschanze was most likely used until the 1980's, after it was tested in 1959 and opened on January 17th 1960. This was mainly due to its location in the forest, since there is no road leading towards there. And, there is one more special aspect about the location of the hill: A part of the area, where spectators were standing during competitions, is on the territory of the federal state of Brandenburg.
Post comment:
Weitere Schanze in den Kmehlener Bergen
Hallo, es soll eine weitere Schanze in den Kmehlener Bergen gegeben haben, ca. 2 km östlich, am Kutschenberg in der Nähe des sogenannten BSG- Hanges? Gibt es dazu Informationen?
Vielen Dank!