Warning: Undefined array key 6 in /customers/0/2/4/skisprungschanzen.com/httpd.www/source/address.php on line 199 Le Claret, Autrans  »  Ski Jumping Hill Archive  »  skisprungschanzen.com

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Le Claret

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Tremplin au Claret:

Hill Size: HS 92
K-Point: 90 m
Men Winter Hill record: 97.0 m (Nicolas Dessum FRA, 1998-01-01, N-FRA)
97.0 m (Manuel Fettner AUT, 2000-03-16, OPA)
Take-off angle: 10.5°
Landing angle: 37°
Plastic matting: no
Status: out of order
Hill Size: HS 64
K-Point: 56 m
Men Winter Hill record: 62.0 m (Naokin Jacquel FRA, 2018-02-07)
Men Summer Hill record: 63.0 m (Jonathan Learoyd FRA, 2012-07-21)
Women Summer Hill record: 60.5 m (Coline Mattel FRA, 2012-07-21)
Inrun length: 61.95 m
Inrun angle: 35°
Take-off length: 5.1 m
Take-off angle: 10°
Take-off height: 1.8 m
Speed: 77 km/h
Landing angle: 32.5°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Conversions: 2023
Further jumps: K25 (HS30), K12, K5
Plastic matting: yes
Spectator capacity: 18,000
Year of construction: 1965
Conversions: 2015
Status: operating
Ski club: US Autranaise
Coordinates: 45.171284, 5.547667 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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At Autrans near Grenoble in French Alps-department Isère there is a long-lasting ski jumping tradition. After World War I there were many ski jumping hills: Tremplin du côté de Bellecombe, Tremplin à Combe Gonnet, Tremplin au Claret, Tremplin au lieu-dit Pierre à feu, Tremplin à l’Adeline. But the most important ski jumping facility was 1933 constructed “Tremplins aux tranchants” on which the annual town championships were organized.
When the decision about the locations of the ski jumping events of the Olympic Games in Grenoble 1968 had to be made, it was clear from the beginning that the 70 meter normal hill should be build at Autrans in the "Le Claret" area, since it was a traditional site and also the cross-country events should be staged there. For the prestigeous large hill event a different location was searched and finally Saint-Nizier was chosen.
In summer 1965 the works started and the natural hill "Le Claret" was enlarged into a K70 normal hill and space was created for 40,000 spectators, additionally a plastic covered 40 meter junior hill was built. Already in 1966 the French Championships could be held there, while in the following summer the last functional buildings were set up and in 1977 an International Jumpers Week was organized.
The normal hill title of 1968 was won by Czech favorite Jiří Raška in a difficult competition. With Jacques Gaillard even a local hero competed in the Nordic Combined event.
Another tournament held here were the European Junior's in 1974. The ski jumping facility was further increased and so there are three plastic covered junior hills beside K90 today.

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Hill records K90 (Men):

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Hill records K56 (Men):

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1)   Artur   wrote on 2011-08-02 at 13:24:

Hill record on K56

K56 HS60 - Hill record: 61,0 m (Jason Lamy Chappuis FRA, 2011-07-22)


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