Warning: Undefined array key 6 in /customers/0/2/4/skisprungschanzen.com/httpd.www/source/address.php on line 199 Na Šibenici, Nové Město na Moravě  »  Ski Jumping Hill Archive  »  skisprungschanzen.com

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CZECZE-JNové Město na Moravě

Na Šibenici

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Na Šibenici:

K-Point: 53 m
Men Summer Hill record: 58.0 m (Vítek Háček CZE, 2006-09-10)
58.0 m (Robert Šupola CZE, 2015-10-10)
Women Summer Hill record: 51.0 m (Julie Ošmerová CZE, 2024-10-12)
Coordinates: 49.566242, 16.049465 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 28 m
Men Summer Hill record: 30.0 m (Marek Štepnicka CZE, 2008-09-07)
30.0 m (Lukáš Kantor CZE, 2008-09-07)
30.0 m (Radim Sudek CZE, 2015-10-10)
Women Summer Hill record: 28.0 m (Michaela Doleželová CZE, 2006-09-09)
Coordinates: 49.566162, 16.049845 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 25 m
Plastic matting: no
Year of destruction: 2005
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 49.566101, 16.049531 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 9 m
Men Longest jump: 6.5 m (Vít Vambera CZE, 2024-10-11)
6.5 m (Vít Vambera CZE, 2024-10-11)
Men Summer Hill record: 6.5 m (Albert Ashton CZE, 2024-10-11)
Coordinates: 49.565957, 16.050425 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 1912
Conversions: 1925, 1955, 1982, 2005, 2023
Status: operating
Ski club: SKL Nové Město na Moravě
Coordinates: 49.566242, 16.049465 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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Nové Město na Moravě is, concerning ski sports, famous for the cross-country World Cup taking place every year, but also ski jumping has a long-lasting tradition.
“Na Šibenici” in English “at the gallows”, at a hill forest at the outskirts of the town, already in 1912 the first ski jumping hill made of wood and stones stood. In 1925 the ski jump was set up really and enlarged so that a hill record of 36 m was realized. In the following decades many national and international competitions took place and the hill had been reconstructed consequently. In 1956 it had a K-Point of 42 m and was used so until the 1970’s until the dilapidated wooden construction broke in 1974.
Two years later it was reconstructed with an inrun tower made of steel. In the years 1986 to 1988 the two smaller ski jumps K25 and K15 were built. In the year of 2000 the large hill was totally converted and overworked and has no a critical point of 55 m. Therefore the inrun tower construction of the ski jump at Studenec, a small place south of Vrchlabi which was no more in use, was removed and set up again there. The whole ski jumping facility is used every winter for regular competitions.

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Hill records K53 (Men):

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Hill records K53 (Women):

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Hill records K28 (Men):

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Hill records K9 (Men):

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Photo gallery:


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3)   Kryštof Adámek   wrote on 2024-10-07 at 16:33:


The hill is now finished, it will host copmetitons this weekend along the K28 and K53, but its not K15 its K9. I hope i get some photos of it in neartime.
https://evidence.czech-ski.com/upload/racing-event/7/f/7f6963a0-8311-444b-8d9d-0d1f15297fb2.pdf here is whole program if someone wants to see

2)   Kryštof Adámek   wrote on 2024-02-06 at 23:28:


K15 is under construction not operating since some boards were built in meantime with yours and my visit and isnt really usable right now

1)   Kryštof Adámek   wrote on 2023-11-17 at 10:14:

My visit

I was there today and the modernization isnfinished at it looks so great i love it. Definetly back operating

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