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Skakaonice Japlenški Vrh:

K-Point: 70 m
Men Winter Hill record: 72.5 m (Urban Zamernik CRO, 2006-03-01)
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1947
Conversions: 1958, 1966, 2006
Status: out of order
Coordinates: 45.396035, 14.794328 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

Skakaonice Japlenški Vrh:

K-Point: 45 m
Women Winter Hill record: 28.0 m (Katica Šporer-Tošić CRO, 1958)
Year of construction: 1948
Operating until: 1980
Status: destroyed

Skakaonice Japlenški Vrh:

K-Point: 15 m
Further jumps: K8
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 2017
Status: operating
Coordinates: 45.396055, 14.795863 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 30 m
Plastic matting: no
Status: project not realized
Coordinates: 45.395800, 14.795496 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

Skakaonica Vučnik:

K-Point: 30 m
Men Winter Hill record: 36.0 m (Josip Šporer YUG, 1947)
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1935
Status: destroyed


K-Point: 10 m
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1904
Status: destroyed
Further jumps: no
Ski club: SK "Goranin" Delnice, TZ Delnice
Coordinates: 45.396326, 14.795413 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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The first ski jump in Delnice was opened in 1904. A small hill, which allowed to jump over 10 meters and was one of the first in that part of Europe. It was built from wood and old building materials and opened by two local skiers Jakov Kezele and Josip Šnajdar, who were the first ones to jump from it.
The construction of a bigger ski jumping hill at Delnice in former Yugoslavia started in 1932. However, the hill at Vučnik could be opened only 3 years later due to the lack of snow during that time. In 1947, the local hero and best Croatian ski jumper of all-time Josip Šporer jumped here a hill record 36 meters. A few weeks later the hill was closed due to problems with the wooden inrun structure and then demolished.
On March 7, 1948 the new K45 hill at Japlenški Vrh was inaugurated in front of more than 2000 spectators. The famous ski jumping hill architect Stanko Bloudek, who also built the Velikanka at Planica, was responsible for the construction. During the 1950s, the local girl Katica Šporer-Tošić was allowed to jump here and achieved a distance of 28 meters, which is still a Croatian record for women. Also in 1954 Yugoslavian Championships, won by Janez Polda were organized here.
The hill at Japlenški Vrh was enlarged two times, in 1958 to K60 and in 1966 to K75. The last official competition was organized in winter 1981 with the Yugoslavian Junior Championships. Next winters were snowless and hill wasn't reanimated.
But on March 1, 2006 the ski club of Ljubno in Slovenia organized a competition there which reanimated this ski jumping hill. Nearly 5,000 spectators came to the hill in order to watch young jumpers, from which two improved the over 30 year old hill record.
There is also a smaller hill which is used by the carnival clubs of the city for a yearly held carnival competition. The jumping hills’s stadium is used for cultural activities, too.
In 2008 the construction of three plastic covered hills K30, K15 and K8 has started, but not finished. The extension of the ski jumping facility to "Nordijski centar Delnice" was resumed in 2012 but stopped later. Finally, the K8 and K15 ski jumps with plastic mattings were opened in 2017. They are the only ones used nowadays in the whole of Croatia! Also K30 and K40 hills shall be built in the future and the biggest, still existing, but not used ski jumping hill shall be modernized and enlarged onto K85.

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Hill records K70 (Men):

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10)   skijumps   wrote on 2023-09-24 at 13:46:


i would not say that these hills are still operating just look at it it looks really not in use tho..... really wasted chance for croatia

7)   News   wrote on 2017-08-13 at 22:29:

New ski jumps


6)   Michał Dadej   wrote on 2012-10-17 at 12:23:


Jak na razie każdy skoczek z bazy u nas ma tylko jedno obywatelstwo, musielibyśmy to podzielić wtedy na okresy, w jakich było jedno czy drugie i sprawdzać z datami rekordów

5)   Nicesport.pl   wrote on 2012-10-16 at 19:33:


Zamernik w momencie ustanawiania rekordu miał jedynie obywatelstwo słoweńskie, chorwackie dostał dopiero parę miesięcy później.

4)   Nicesport.pl   wrote on 2012-10-15 at 19:05:


Naszło mnie, żeby dzisiaj trochę poszperać, więc jeszcze parę linków.

Tutaj jest sporo zdjęć z tego konkursu z 2006 roku: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.186805648021855.39078.123909480978139&type=3

A sprawa przebudowy powoli, bo powoli (w końcu pierwsze plany były już w 2004 (!) roku), ale zmierza ku szczęśliwemu zakończeniu - w lipcu tego roku na sesji rady miasta podjęto uchwałę, w sprawie budowy 5 skoczni - K-8, 15, 30, 40 i 85. Na początek zbudowane mają zostać 2 najmniejsze obiekty, na co zagwarantowano już pieniądze w budżecie gminy. Będą one wyposażone w igelit i będą miały wspólny zeskok. Skocznia K-30 póki co nie powstanie w związku z problemami dotyczącymi własności terenu (ciągnącymi się zresztą od dłuższego czasu)... Póki co nie ruszy także budowy dwóch największych planowanych obiektów, ale miasto ma w planach ich budowę w przyszłości (to już znacznie większe koszty niż przy K-8 i K-15, więc trzeba nieco więcej wysiłku, by zgromadzić odpowiednie fundusze). Źródło: http://www.gorskenovosti.com/wordpress/?p=9443

Dalej - prawidłowo nazwa tej skoczni to Japlenški vrh.

A rekordzistą skoczni jest Urban Zamernik (to on skoczył 72,5 metra): http://www.klub-susacana.hr/revija/clanak.asp?Num=60&C=18

3)   Nicesport.pl   wrote on 2012-10-15 at 18:29:


Tak miał wyglądać ten kompleks po przebudowie:

Na ten rok (2012) planowany jest zakup nowych mat igelitowych i budowa dwóch mniejszych skoczni (K-8 i K-15): http://www.ski-pgz.hr/index.php/savez/o-nama

A tu filmik o tej skoczni:

2)   Eric2022   wrote on 2011-11-09 at 16:37:

Was ist mit den drei Jugendmattenschanzen? Sind sie fertiggestellt worden? Und wenn was wird dann aus der K30 und der K25.

1)   Anton   wrote on 2011-02-16 at 17:33:

Rekord ist URBAN ZAmernik 72,5m aba kaine JAka Tesovnik

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