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K-Point: 83 m
Men Winter Hill record: 90.5 m (Alfred Pungg AUT, 1977)
Inrun length: 86 m
Inrun angle: 31°
Take-off length: 6 m
Take-off angle: 11°
Take-off height: 2.34 m
Speed: 86.4 km/h
Ratio h/n: 0.555
P-Point: 65 m
Landing angle: 37.5°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Plastic matting: no
Year of destruction: 2007
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 47.476672, 12.063889 Google Maps OpenStreetMap


K-Point: 60 m
Men Winter Hill record: 54.0 m (Timon Kahofer AUT, 2015-02-12)
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 2011
Status: operating
Coordinates: 47.476835, 12.064076 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

Sparkassen Schanze:

Hill Size: HS 38
K-Point: 35 m
Men Winter Hill record: 38.5 m (Max Taxacher AUT, 2011-02-27)
38.5 m (Martin Schmid AUT, 2011-02-27)
38.5 m (Timon Kahofer AUT, 2012-02-12)
38.5 m (Dominik Terzer AUT, 2012-02-12)
38.5 m (David Eder AUT, 2012-02-12)
Men Summer Hill record: 40.5 m (Stefan Spöck AUT, 2023-06-04)
Women Winter Hill record: 36.5 m (Timna Moser AUT, 2012-02-12)
Women Summer Hill record: 36.5 m (Timna Moser AUT, 2013-09-08)
36.5 m (Mani Cooper GBR, 2017-10-01)
Plastic matting: yes
Status: operating
Coordinates: 47.477223, 12.064072 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

Mittlere Schanze:

Hill Size: HS 27
K-Point: 25 m
Men Winter Hill record: 23.5 m (Marco Kreutner AUT, 2010-01-10)
23.5 m (Marco Kreutner AUT, 2010-01-24)
23.5 m (Jonas Schuster AUT, 2014-01-02)
Men Summer Hill record: 25.0 m (Maxi Schmalnauer AUT, 2008-08-02)
25.0 m (Gregor Aigner AUT, 2008-08-02)
Women Winter Hill record: 22.0 m (Annalena Slamik AUT, 2015-02-12)
Women Summer Hill record: 21.0 m (Sophie Mair AUT, 2011-08-28)
21.0 m (Elena Gruber AUT, 2012-08-26)
21.0 m (Marit Weichselbraun AUT, 2013-09-08)
21.0 m (Annalena Slamik AUT, 2014-10-05)
Plastic matting: yes
Status: operating
Coordinates: 47.477367, 12.064111 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

M4 Schanze:

Hill Size: HS 17
K-Point: 15 m
Men Winter Hill record: 16.0 m (Florian Ritzer AUT, 2012-02-12)
Men Summer Hill record: 16.0 m (Luca Geyer GER, 2010-09-05)
16.0 m (Josef Hörbiger AUT, 2023-06-04)
Women Winter Hill record: 15.0 m (Elena Gruber AUT, 2010-01-24)
Women Summer Hill record: 14.5 m (Helena Emilia Prettenhofer AUT, 2021-09-16)
Plastic matting: yes
Status: operating
Coordinates: 47.477462, 12.064148 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Year of construction: 1933
Conversions: 1975, 2006-2008
Ski club: SC Wörgl, Wörgler Flughunde
Coordinates: 47.476835, 12.064076 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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Already in 1908/09 Wörgl became a centre of ski jumping with the construction of the jump at Hennersberg. Many tournaments and championships were held there and early awoke passion and interest into this kind of sports at Wörgl.
During the period of Dr. Herbert Avanzini as chairman the construction of the ski jumping hill of Wörgl was started in 1932 with full activity and great support of the club members leaded by Franz Ecker. The estate for the new ski jumping hill was owned by the dairy cooperative of Wörgl, the community supported the construction 1932 with 500 man hours by the employment-creation programme against unemployment. On February 19, 1933 the opening competition could be held on this new ski jump. 28 jumpers took part and Sepp Klinger from Kitzbühel set up the first hill record with 50.5 m. Best snow conditions and wonderful winter weather made it a very nice tournament for 2000 spectators.
Directly after World War II only small ski jumping competitions were held. In 1947 the Tyrolian championships were hosted at Wörgl. In 1959 an enlargement and modernising the jump was necessary for the hosting of Austrian Nordic skiing championships.
From 1967 on many young jumpers were coached by Heinz Thurnbichler and they reactivated the olf youth ski jumping hill at Hennersberg. In the following years Wörgl developed to be the stronghold of Tyrolian youth ski jumpers. Since the jumps have been continuously improved and Wörgl was becoming the centre of ski jumping in whole Tyrolian lowlands.
But then in 1983 Hennersbergschanze had to be given up, because the ground was need for other constructions, nevertheless already in 1974/75 the large ski jumping hill was converted and inaugurated with large ski jumping events, at which the whole Austrian national team and many jumpers from foreign countries participated. Again the members of the ski club, leaded by chairman Willi Rieder, were the main factor for handing over the whole facility debt-free to the community in 1976, with their loads of voluntary working hours. In 1982 50 meter youth hill could be built and already in fall 1983 young jumpers could use the new 30 meter hill. Since 1992 it has been possible to cover the ski jumping facility with artificial snow. So the ski jumping centre of Wörgl had three ski jumps which fulfilled technical requirements of the FIS. They were host of large yearly national and international ski jumping concurrencies, in which world class jumpers took part as well.
In 2006 the over 200,000 € expensive modernisation of the ski jumping facility has begun. Main points were the improvement of infrastructure and all five ski jumps K90, K50, K35, K25 and K15 should be covered with plastic mattings for summer ski jumping. In September 2007, the three smaller plastic covered ski jumping hills were completed, but the landing hills of K90 & K50 were swapped away by heavy rain. The inauguration of the three smaller plastic covered hills was celebrated on August 24, 2008, but the works on the 60 meter hill could only continue in 2010 and were completed by November 2011. No financial means are left for the normal hill anymore and the plastic covering of K60 has to be delayed as well.

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Hill records K35 (Men):

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Hill records K35 (Women):

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Hill records K25 (Men):

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Hill records K25 (Women):

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Hill records K15 (Men):

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Hill records K15 (Women):

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5)   Samuel Weitzbauer   wrote on 2023-06-04 at 23:09:

neuer Schanzenrekord

Auf der Sparkassen-Schanze (K35, HS38) wurde bei den Tiroler Meisterschaften ein neuer Schanzenrekord aufgestellt:
40,5 m (Stefan Spöck AUT, 04.06.2023)


4)   WSV Wörgl   wrote on 2020-05-24 at 02:13:


dies wäre die neue Kontaktadresse bzw. Webseite des Vereins:
http://www.flughunde.tirol/ :)

3)   skisprungschanzen.com   wrote on 2011-10-30 at 11:35:


As you can see on the photos, they installed fences on both sides of the inrun, so no rocks can fall onto the ski jumpers...

2)   Artur   wrote on 2011-10-29 at 23:42:

K60 - głupota!

Nie wierzę w to co widzę. Oni budują rozbieg skoczni K60 wydrążony w skale! To chyba najgłupsza rzecz jaką widziałem przy budowie skoczni. Nie dość, że jest to bardzo kosztowne to jeszcze strasznie niebezpieczne. Przecież te skały nawet zabezpieczone mogą się kiedyś osunąć, być może jak jakiś skoczek będzie zjeżdżać po tym rozbiegu. Nie rozumiem kompletnie tej decyzji. I szkoda, że zaniechano budowy skoczni normalnej. Z tego co widać nie ma już na nią szans.

1)   Eric2022   wrote on 2011-10-28 at 21:21:

Sind die Bauarbeiten fortgesetzt worden?

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