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Hill Size: HS 115
K-Point: 105 m
Men Summer Hill record: 120.5 m (Aleksander Zniszczoł POL, 2022-09-17, COC)
Women Winter Hill record: 112.0 m (Gianina Ernst GER, 2013-10-31)
Women Summer Hill record: 114.0 m (Joséphine Pagnier FRA, 2024-09-21, I-COC)
114.0 m (Joséphine Pagnier FRA, 2024-09-22, I-COC)
Take-off angle: 11°
Take-off height: 3.5 m
Speed: 85.5 km/h
Landing angle: 38°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Coordinates: 47.274251, 10.990919 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Hill Size: HS 66
K-Point: 60 m
Men Winter Hill record: 71.5 m
Women Winter Hill record: 43.0 m (Mani Cooper GBR, 2016-10-01)
Take-off angle: 10°
Landing angle: 36°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Conversions: 2019
Coordinates: 47.274762, 10.991086 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: yes
Spectator capacity: 12,000
Year of construction: 1990
Conversions: 2010
Status: operating
Ski club: SV Brunnentalschanze Stams
Coordinates: 47.274251, 10.990919 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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The Brunnentalschanzen at Stams are one of the most important summer training centers for Austria's youth and professional ski jumpers. The construction works on the plastic covered hills started in 1988. The works were finished in 1990, including a ski-lift and an artificial snow-making system.
The ski-college, which belongs to the complex, is one of the most famous in the world. At the begging of school year 1990/91, it organized an international opening competition on the Brunnentalschanze. The so far unbeknown college student of Stams Andreas Goldberger won this competition.
In 1991/92 the K105 needed to be closed and soil movings in the landing hill had to be repaired.
This works were no problem for organizing the FIS Summer Grand Prix between 1994 and 2001. But since 2001, there hasn't been any international competition in Stams, because the hills in Innsbruck and Bischofshofen were more attractive for the officials due to their bigger sizes after renovating works. Not only since this time, the hills have been mainly used by the students of the ski-college. Nowadays there are 33 young men and 6 young women jumping on the hills.
For making sure that the students will be well trained, the hills were modernized in summer 2010 for 1.4m €, including new plastic mattings. The opening competition on the renewed Brunnentalschanze on 2010-09-26 was won by Gregor Schlierenzauer ahead of his also particiapting teammates from Austria's national ski jumping team.
The hills can be also used by hobby-jumpers. Who proofs his talent at “ski jumping for anyone”, is allowed to jump on the K60 and can experience the same feeling as the young talents.

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Hill records K105 (Men):

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Hill records K105 (Women):

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3)   guest   wrote on 2022-09-17 at 18:15:

New Hill Record

120.5 m - Aleksander Zniszczol COC 17.09.2022

2)   Heidrun Ebner   wrote on 2018-10-15 at 13:49:

Schispringen schnuppern

Hallo, gibt es noch die Initiative Skispringen für Jedermann? Meine Kinder würden das gerne ausprobieren (11-13 Jahre). Für ein verlängertes Wochenende bzw in den Weihnachtsferien??
Danke für jegliche Info.
Heidrun EBNER

1)   waser peter   wrote on 2018-08-10 at 21:42:

springen für jedermann

hallo ich interessiere mich fürs, springen für jedermann.
wann ist sowas bei euch im September möglich.
gruss peter

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