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Hill Size: HS 109
K-Point: 99 m
Men Winter Hill record: 114.5 m (Marjan Jelenko SLO, 2010-12-18, NC-OPA)
Men Winter Official hill record: 113.0 m (Ryōyū Kobayashi JPN, 2019-03-02, WSC-MIX)
Women Winter Hill record: 109.5 m (Nika Prevc SLO, 2021-12-18, OPA)
Women Winter Official hill record: 108.5 m (Nika Križnar SLO, 2019-03-02, WSC-MIX)
Inrun length: 91.36 m
Inrun angle: 34°
Take-off length: 5.77 m
Take-off angle: 11.5°
Take-off height: 2.46 m
Speed: 89.2 km/h
Landing angle: 33.3°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Conversions: 2010
Status: operating
Coordinates: 47.320904, 11.177397 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K99 (2010-...)K90 (2001-2010)K82 (1975-2001)K72.5 (1931-1975)


Hill Size: HS 75
K-Point: 68 m
Men Winter Hill record: 81.0 m (Anže Lanišek SLO, 2012-01-14, YOG)
Women Winter Hill record: 79.5 m (Sara Takanashi JPN, 2012-01-12, YOG)
Inrun length: 68.61 m
Inrun angle: 30°
Take-off length: 6 m
Take-off angle: 9.5°
Take-off height: 1.9 m
Speed: 80.5 km/h
Landing angle: 34.2°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Year of construction: 2010
Status: operating
Coordinates: 47.321376, 11.177556 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 50 m
Further jumps: K37, K20
Year of destruction: 2003
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 47.322560, 11.177443 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: no
Spectator capacity: 25,000
Year of construction: 1931
Conversions: 1962, 1975, 2001, 2010
Status: operating
Ski club: SC Seefeld
Coordinates: 47.320904, 11.177397 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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In 1931 Jahnschanze was built up at Seefeld in Tyrol and then in 1948 it was named after the skiing legend Anton Seelos. For the Olympic Winter Games 1964 at Innsbruck Seefeld was chosen as the host of normal size hill competitions. Before the Games the ski jumping hill was enlarged into K72.5 and the natural inrun was replaced by a 14 meters high tower. While Veikko Kankkonen became Olympic gold medal winner, J. Matouš set up the longest distance with 80.5 meters.
Since the Winter Games of 1976 were moved from Denver to Innsbruck, Toni- Seelos-Schanze was once again host of normal hill concurrencies. Attended by 60,000 spectators Hans-Georg-Aschenbach from East Germany won.
In 1985 the Nordic WSC were given to Seefeld and normal hill competitions were again held on Toni-Seelos-Omypiaschanze; with a triumph of Jens Weißflog. Another highlight was the Winter-Universiade Innsbruck-Seefeld in 2005. Today mainly competitions of Nordic combined take place on the jump in Casino-Arena, which was converted into K90 around 2001-2003. The smaller ski jumping hills K50, K37, K20 were all torn down during the conversion of 2003.
For the Olympic Youth Winter Games in Innsbruck 2012, the K90 jumping hill with its judges tower was torn down in April 2010. On November 16, 2010 the inauguration of the once again modernized and enlarged jumping hills HS 109 and HS 75 could be celebrated. Since 2014 the so-called "Seefeld Triple" has been organized as part of the Nordic Combined World Cup and in 2019 Seefeld is going to host the Nordic World Ski Championships for a second time.

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Hill records K99 (Men):

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Hill records K99 (Women):

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Hill records K68 (Men):

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Hill records K68 (Women):

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4)   JA   wrote on 2016-03-09 at 21:54:

Julia Huber sprang beim Austria Cup am 06.02.2016 auf der K99 107,5m

3)   Björn   wrote on 2011-01-25 at 19:23:

Schanzenrekord K 68

Simon Greiderer sprang im Rahmen der Tiroler Meisterschaft am 22.01.2011 auf der K 68 im zweiten Durchgang 80,5 m

2)   Anton   wrote on 2011-01-13 at 09:59:


die schiesprungzentrum arbait oda nain
Vilen dank vor invormation

1)   Karl Olsen   wrote on 2010-12-18 at 11:47:

New hill record and correct size

Thomas Diethart (Austria) set a new hill record in the first Alpen Cup race with 111 meters on 17 December 2010. According to the official results, the correct size of the biggest hill is K99/HS109. http://www.fis-ski.com/pdf/2011/JP/3213/2011JP3213RL.pdf

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