Warning: Undefined array key 6 in /customers/0/2/4/skisprungschanzen.com/httpd.www/source/address.php on line 199 Murauer Schanzenkessel, Murau  »  Ski Jumping Hill Archive  »  skisprungschanzen.com

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Murauer Schanzenkessel

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Hill Size: HS 125
K-Point: 120 m
Men Winter Hill record: 128.5 m (Bjarte Engen Vik NOR, 1996-02-18, NC-WC)
Inrun length: 85.9 m
Inrun angle: 38°
Take-off length: 6.4 m
Take-off angle: 11°
Take-off height: 3 m
Speed: 90 km/h
Landing angle: 37.7°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1968
Conversions: 1993
Status: out of order
Coordinates: 47.107099, 14.158361 Google Maps OpenStreetMap


Hill Size: HS 92
K-Point: 85 m
Men Winter Hill record: 86.0 m (Günther Stranner AUT, 1988)
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1936
Conversions: 1957, 1962, 1977, 1985
Status: out of order
Coordinates: 47.109327, 14.157190 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 60 m
Men Winter Hill record: 62.5 m (Fabian Steindl AUT, 2009-02-15)
Plastic matting: no
Conversions: 2007
Status: out of order
Coordinates: 47.108521, 14.158377 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 35 m
Men Winter Hill record: 36.5 m (Florian Altenburger AUT, 2007-12-22)
Men Summer Hill record: 36.0 m (Thomas Schwaiger AUT, 2011-07-02)
Women Summer Hill record: 34.0 m (Laura Pletz AUT, 2019-10-19)
Plastic matting: yes
Status: operating
Coordinates: 47.108779, 14.158699 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 20 m
Men Winter Hill record: 22.0 m
Women Summer Hill record: 18.0 m (Florentina Moder AUT, 2019-10-19)
18.0 m (Florentina Moder AUT, 2019-10-19)
Plastic matting: yes
Status: operating
Coordinates: 47.108892, 14.158911 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Hill Size: HS 13
K-Point: 10 m
Plastic matting: no
Status: operating
Coordinates: 47.109018, 14.159076 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Year of construction: 1933
Ski club: WSV Murau
Coordinates: 47.107099, 14.158361 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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The winter sports club (WSV) of Murau in Styria was already founded in 1894 and around 1900 also the first ski jumping competitions were held. Around 1910, there were three small ski jumping hills at Frauenwiese. At that time, also women participated in the skiing courses and jumped over the hills. In 1933, a 30-meter ski jump was built a Thurnhof with the help of Josef Gumpold, a WSC participant from Gastein valley. In 1935, a 60-meter hill was added and on March 8, 1936 an A-class competition was organized on this Gumpold-Schanze. Bjarne Karlsen, Norwegian coach of the ÖSV, won with a hill record of 56 meters.
After World War II, ski jumping activities already resumed in winter 1946-47. There were two attempts to host Nordic WSC on Mur river, but these applications were not successful. Nevertheless, the "Schanzenkessel" of Murau was constantly improved and extended. Thus, Hans-Walland-Großschanze was constructed in 1968. In 1978, Murau hosted the Junior ESC and in 1982 the Junior WSC with ski jumping taking place on Gumpoldschanze-K81. Later the K85 and also the K116 large hill were hosts of World Cup competitions of ski jumping and Nordic combined. The only ski jumping World Cup in 1994 was won by Noriaki Kasai. The last combined World Cup took place in 1996, winner was Mario Stecher and Bjarte Engen Vik jumped the last hill record.
Today, both larger ski jumping hills are out of order. As the junior hills were dilapidating, in 2005 the K35 and K20 hills were covered with new plastic mattings. In 2007, the inrun of K60 ski jump was rebuilt with concrete and the profile was enewed. Furthermore, during winters a small snow jump is set up for training of children. The ski jumping facility at Thurnhof in Murau was for some time called "KLH-Arena", now it is the "Schanzenkessel".

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Hill records K120 (Men):

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Hill records K85 (Men):

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Hill records K35 (Men):

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Hill records K20 (Women):

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8)   Kommentar   wrote on 2014-03-15 at 10:27:


Laut fis-ski.com hat Noriaki Kasai und nicht Takanobu Okabe den Weltcup 1994 gewonnen.

7)   skisprungschanzen.com   wrote on 2014-03-04 at 19:03:

4ST Murau

Das war natürlich ein Fehler, das Springen fand wie immer in Innsbruck statt :-)

6)   Maxi.ESB   wrote on 2014-03-01 at 19:29:

4 Schanzentournee

Ich wag ja stark zu bezweifeln, dass 1954 die 4 Schanzentournee in Murau Station machte...

Gab es an der Schanze einen Lift?

5)   skisprungschanzen.com   wrote on 2011-07-05 at 16:30:


Laut Ergebnisliste hat keiner von beiden den Rekord auf der K35 egalisiert

4)   Michael Wohlmuther   wrote on 2011-07-05 at 15:30:

Falsch information

Entschuldigen sie.
der Schanzenrekord wurde von Thomas Schwaiger (AUT, ESV Mürzzuschlag) gesprungen.
ich bitte vielmals um entschuldigung.

3)   Michael Wohlmuther   wrote on 2011-07-02 at 19:54:

Schanzenrekord eingestellt

Der Schanzenrekord auf der K35 wurde von Phillip Haagen(AUT, ESV Mürzzuschlag) heute eingestellt. 36,5m

2)   skisprungschanzen.com   wrote on 2011-05-30 at 23:03:

Hill Size

On older hills, that had a "jury distance", but are not homologated anymore and don't have a "hill size", the HS stated corresponds to the former jury distance. I think handling it this way makes sense...

1)   Artur   wrote on 2011-05-30 at 22:57:

Hill Size

Taka mała sugestia, jest tutaj wpisany punkt HS na obu największych skoczniach, ale czy powinien w ogóle być wpisany? Przecież pojęcie to wprowadzono do użytku około 5 lat temu, a skocznie pozostają nieużywane sporo dłużej. Rozumiem, że tutaj dystans HS zastąpił stare pojęcie 'Jury distance' na obu skoczniach, ale jak wiadomo te dwa punkty nie zawsze się pokrywały. Więc nie wiem czy powinno to działać wstecz. Dotyczy to oczywiście wszystkich skoczni, które są zniszczone i nieużywane wcześniej niż powstało pojęcie 'Hill Size'. Co o tym sądzicie?

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