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Hill Size: HS 65
K-Point: 55 m
Men Winter Hill record: 63.5 m (Hans Millonig AUT, 1981-02-15)
63.5 m (Florian Schabereiter AUT, 2008-01-26)
Men Summer Hill record: 65.0 m (Mario Innauer AUT, 2004-09-29)
Women Summer Hill record: 59.0 m (Urša Bogataj SLO, 2010-09-12, Ladies-Cup)
K-Point: 40 m
Plastic matting: no
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 47.597528, 15.670833 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: K28, K18, K8
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 1904
Conversions: 1907, 1928/29, 1983, 2004
Status: operating
Ski club: ESV Mürzzuschlag
Coordinates: 47.598300, 15.671035 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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On February 2, 1893 the “Ski federation of Styria” hosted the first ski jumping competition in middle Europe, for which the hotelier Toni Schruf from Mürzzuschlag had invited North Pole Explorer Fridtjof Nansen, who was on a lecture journey in Vienna. The Norwegian J. Bismarck Samson who worked in Vienna in a bakery won the competition on a snowed manure hill with the record of 6 meters. At this time the development of ski jumping in central Europe was about 30 years in delay in comparison to the ski jumping culture in Norway.
In 1904 Ganzsteinschanze was constructed behind Rosegger estate. In 1907 it was reconstructed as a 40-meter hill by the winter sports club of the Austrian tourist club (WSC-ÖTK) according to plans by Gustav Jahn. However, only jumps around 25 meters were possible there. In February 1909 the Austrian Ski Championships were held there. Furthermore, an 18-meter hill was built in 1914. In 1928-29 Ganzsteinschanze was enlarged as a 50-meter hill. Mürzzuschlag then hosted the workers winter sports Olympics with international participants in 1931.
Ganzsteinschanze K55 in today's shape was built in 1983. The oldest permanently used ski jumping facility of Austria was converted for 130,000 € in 2004 and the three hills K55, K28 and K18 were covered with plastic mattings. In 2017, also the K8 ski jump was covered with matts.
Ganzstein ski jumping facility also includes a very nice 6 km long panorama cross-country trail, which is taken for Nordic Combination, too. The ski jumping hills are used all year round, if weather allows, by ski jumpers of ESV and many guest ski clubs from Austria, Hungary, Slovenia and many more for trainings, national and international competitions. Furthermore, there is also a large winter sports museum in Mürzzuschlag which has was founded in 1947 and displays up to 2000-year-old exhibits on more than 1,000 m².

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3)   Arnd Meißl   wrote on 2018-01-17 at 19:36:

Die K 8 in Mürzzuschlag wurde mittlerweile mit Matten belegt und ist damit auch für den Sommerbetrieb geeignet.

2)   Otto Putz   wrote on 2014-10-27 at 22:19:


The Highlight of the unique Wintersport-Museum in Muerzzuschlag was definetily the Olympic Winter-Sport Games in Sapporo/ Japan, when all the highlights of this Museum have been brought to Japan, showing the world the roots, where everything of wintersports begun ! They granted the city "Muerzzuschlag forever with a monument of greetings from Sapporo, located, when you enter the city .

1)   Otto Putz   wrote on 2014-10-27 at 22:03:


Erstes offizielles Schispringen weltweit und organisiert durch Max Kleinoschegg und Toni Schruf (Verwandtschaft und enger Freund Peter Roseggers), die weltweit in Muerzzuschlag die Geburtsstunde des internationalen Schisports den Menschen als vorstellten !

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