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K-Point: 70 m
Men Longest jump: 84.0 m (Josef "Sepp" Lichtenegger AUT, 1970-01-18)
Men Winter Hill record: 77.5 m (Dalibor Motejlek CSR, 1970-01-18)
77.5 m (Ernst Kröll AUT, 1970-01-18)
77.5 m (Max Golser AUT, 1970-01-18)
Inrun angle: 25°
Take-off length: 18 m
Landing angle: 38°
Year of construction: 1912
Conversions: 1923, 1929, 1932, 1951
Operating until: ca. 1970
Coordinates: 47.629380, 15.829144 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

Roger de Riedmatten-Schanze:

K-Point: 35 m
Men Winter Hill record: 40.0 m (Viktor Kaiser AUT, 1941-02-23)
Year of construction: 1935
Operating until: ca. 1950
Coordinates: 47.627482, 15.819534 Google Maps OpenStreetMap


K-Point: 27 m
Men Winter Hill record: 22.0 m (Eugen Elsner AUT, 1910-01-23)
Year of construction: 1906
Conversions: 1909
Operating until: 1912
Coordinates: 47.6442926, 15.8111171 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: no
Status: destroyed
Ski club: WSV Semmering
Coordinates: 47.629380, 15.829144 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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Already on January 30, 1907 the Austrian Touring Club (ÖTK) organized the first ski jumping and downhill skiing event at Semmering, at the site of today's golf course beneath Südbahnhotel. At that time, the critical point of this Pinkenkogelschanze was 20 meters, later after a conversion 27 meters.
In 1911 the Austrian Wintersports Club started extending its activities on Semmering. Liechtenstein-Schanze at Jungherrenwald below Hirschenkogel was built under the lead of Roger de Riedmatten according to plans by Gustav Jahn for an amount of 44,000 crowns. It was supposed to be inaugurated on January 21, 1912 with an "international city competition", but due to delays with the construction the opening was first postponed to February and then due to lack of snow to the following winter. Aas from Norway jumped a record of 37 meters at the inaugural event on February 2, 1913. In 1914, Sepp Bildstein set a hill record of 43 meters.
As a replacement for Pinkenkogel-Schanze, not far from Liechtensteinschanze a junior hill was built in 1921. The large hill hosted the Austrian Championships in 1922 and in 1923 it was improved. During this time, international competitions at Semmering often attracted more than 5,000 spectators. In 1925 a new junior and training hill, called Gustav-Jahn-Schanze, was built at Meiereiwiese, in the area of the old Pinkenkogelschanze.
Out-dated Liechtensteinschanze was reconstructed and enlarged in 1932 in order to allow jumps over 70 meters. Furthermore, stands for 3,000 spectators and a lift up to Hirschenkogel were added. However, due to bad snow conditions, longer jumpers usually were not possible. In 1935, a new junior hill which allowed jumps around 35 meters was built at Johannespromenade and dedicated as Riedmatten-Schanze. It frequently hosted competitions even during World War II.
After the war, Liechtenstein- and Riedmatten-Schanze were both still in use. Before the Austrian Championships in 1952, Liechtensteinschanze was converted and then allowed to crack the 70-meter mark. Until 1970 international competitions were held there, a last ÖM in 1968. Today, hardly any remainings of the former ski jumping hills at Semmering can be found.

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1)   Kurt Winkler   wrote on 2012-06-21 at 14:48:


In der Festschrift "25 Jahre Österr. Wintersport-Club 1905-1930" steht, dass die Liechtensteinschanze schon im Jahr 1912, nach den Vorschlägen für Art und Ort von Roger de Riedmatten UND den Plänen von GUSTAV JAHN (1879-1919) mit einem Kostenaufwand von K. 44.000,-- erbaut wurde.
Mfg. Kurt Winkler

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