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Alpen Arena

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Villacher Alpen Arena:

Hill Size: HS 98
K-Point: 90 m
Men Winter Hill record: 103.5 m (David Unterberger AUT, 2008-02-01, NJ-AUT)
Men Winter Official hill record: 99.5 m (Adam Małysz POL, 2001-12-08, WC)
Men Summer Hill record: 104.0 m (Michael Hayböck AUT, 2015-10-25, N-AUT)
104.0 m (Naoki Nakamura JPN, 2021-08-28)
Men Summer Official hill record: 99.5 m (Matti Hautamäki FIN, 2000-08-12, SGP)
Women Winter Hill record: 102.0 m (Nika Prevc SLO, 2025-01-05, WC-Q)
Women Summer Hill record: 98.0 m (Ema Klinec SLO, 2013-07-14, L-COC)
98.0 m (Eva Logar SLO, 2013-07-14, L-COC)
98.0 m (Nika Križnar SLO, 2017-07-01, L-FIS)
Inrun length: 85.4 m
Inrun angle: 35°
Take-off length: 5.9 m
Take-off angle: 11.5°
Take-off height: 2.87 m
Speed: 84.6 km/h
Ratio h/n: 0.570
Landing angle: 36°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Conversions: 1995
Coordinates: 46.602667, 13.809639 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K90 (1995-...)K84 (1978-1993)K75 (1938-1978)

Villacher Alpen Arena:

Hill Size: HS 68
K-Point: 60 m
Men Winter Hill record: 68.0 m (Lukas Tschuschnig AUT)
Women Winter Hill record: 64.0 m (Nika Prevc SLO, 2020-02-21, OPA)
Women Summer Hill record: 46.5 m (Anna Pohler AUT, 2009-08-30)
Inrun length: 64.4 m
Inrun angle: 29°
Take-off length: 5.18 m
Take-off angle: 11.5°
Take-off height: 1.7 m
Ratio h/n: 0.570
Landing angle: 36°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Coordinates: 46.602722, 13.810111 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Hill Size: HS 32
K-Point: 30 m
Men Winter Hill record: 32.0 m (Siegfried Mörtl AUT)
Women Winter Hill record: 25.0 m (Clara Langer AUT, 2008-12-28)
Women Summer Hill record: 23.0 m (Barbara Jöbstl AUT, 2006-09-02)
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Coordinates: 46.602917, 13.810694 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 15 m
Women Winter Hill record: 8.0 m (Yannicka Mraz AUT, 2008-01-26)
8.0 m (Yannicka Mraz AUT, 2008-02-10)
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Coordinates: 46.602972, 13.810861 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 7 m
Year of construction: 2018
Coordinates: 46.602795, 13.812310 Google Maps OpenStreetMap


K-Point: 30 m
Landing angle: 35°
Further jumps: K20, K10
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1924
Operating until: 1938
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 46.603905, 13.809367 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: yes
Spectator capacity: 18,000
Year of construction: 1923
Conversions: 1938, 1978, 1993-1995
Status: operating
Ski club: SV Villach, Nordisches Schisportzentrum Süd
Coordinates: 46.602667, 13.809639 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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In 1909 the first documented ski jumping competition took place at Villach-Möltschach. At that time winner was someone named Lutter from Graz with a respectable distance of 12 meters on a primitive ski hill on the Genottehöhe at guesthouse Tscheltschnig. In 1924, the 30-meter ski jumping hill at Möltschach was inagurated and immediately the jumping competition of the Austrian championships was held there. Jahnschanze was also hosting the Carinthian championships in 1930. In 1938-39 the ski jumping facility of Villach was completely remodelled and a 75- and a 50-meter hill were built. The inauguration was held with the NS winter games in February 1939 and attended by around 20,000 spectators.
After World War II, the ski jumping facility at Möltschach was quickly revived thanks to the skiers association (SV) of Villach and their chairman Josef Hardwiger. From 1947, so-called international "Länderspringen" were held at Villach. In 1968, the ski jumping tournament of Carinthia and Slovenia was founded with competitions at Villach, Feldkirchen and Maribor. In 1971, the hosts of the tournament changed and the competitions at Villach, Tarvisio and Maribor (from 1983 on Planica) were considered as the three countries tournament, which took place until 1988.
From 1993 to 1995, the ski jumping hills of Alpenarena at Möltschach were completely conver­ted and all together covered with plastic mattings. Beside K90, K60, K30 and K15 with snowing and jump imitation facilities, additionally a multi-propose court and a cross-country trail were installed. On 1995-12-08, the inauguration of the hill was celebrated with a World Cup competition on K90, which was won by Masahiko Harada. Further World Cup events were held in 1997, 1999 and 2001. The last Ski Jumping World Cup event in Villach was held in December 2007. Since then, mainly FIS competitions and Summer Grand Prix of Nordic Combined have been held at Alpenarena.
In 2018 an additional plastic covered K7 children's hill was built for ski jumping beginners.

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Hill records K90 (Men):

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Hill records K90 (Women):

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Hill records K60 (Women):

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Hill records K30 (Women):

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Hill records K15 (Women):

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20)   Anna Catarina   wrote on 2025-01-05 at 11:32:

Neuer Schanzenrekord bei den Damen

Heute in der Weltcup-Quali 102,0 m durch Nika Prevc.

19)   Christoph   wrote on 2024-08-19 at 18:28:

Men k90

The inofficial rekord of the k90 of men is 107 meters from Stefan Kraft

18)   Eberhard Jurgalski   wrote on 2024-01-03 at 11:41:

Loutitt 2023

Die FIS gibt immer noch die 97.5 m von Ale als Rekord an, obwohl der sicher gestürzt war. Korrigieren die ihre Fehler nicht?

17)   skisprungschanzen.com   wrote on 2023-01-03 at 10:53:

Schanzenrekord K90

Laut Ergebnisliste wurde ein Sprung aus Gate 13 als Sturz gewertet und dabei kann es sich anhand der Sprungnoten nur um den von Alexandria Loutitt gehandelt haben. Insofern ist es leider kein Schanzenrekord.

16)   Marco   wrote on 2022-12-30 at 19:46:

Schanzenrekord K90

Der hier aufgeführte Schanzenrekord von Marita Kramer (AUT) (96,5 m, 29.12.2022) ist falsch! Alexandria Loutitt (CAN) sprang am 27.12.2022 97,5 m! Siehe hier unter Hill Data: https://medias2.fis-ski.com/pdf/2023/JP/3144/2023JP3144RLQ.pdf Augenscheinlich gilt er nicht als gestürzt!

15)   jiknj   wrote on 2022-02-08 at 19:43:


14)   skisprungschanzen.com   wrote on 2022-02-08 at 18:56:


Vielen Dank für die Hinweise! Gibt es zum 107-Meter-Sprung von Stefan Kraft auch eine Quelle? Auf der Webseite der Alpenarena wird dieser auch nicht erwähnt...

13)   Marco   wrote on 2022-02-06 at 19:48:

Schanzenrekord HS 98

Der Schanzenrekord des David Unterberger (AUT) von 103,5 m ist längst nicht mehr aktuell! Stefan Kraft (AUT) sprang am 30.09.2012 107,0 m! Bitte um Änderung!

12)   Marco   wrote on 2022-02-04 at 20:52:


Alle Schanzenzertifikate, welche hier eingesehen werden können, sind veraltet! Es wird um Aktualisierung gebeten! Die neuen, verlängerten Zertifikate findet man hier: www.villacheralpenarena.at/Sport_-_Anlagen/Skisprung_-_Arena/Zahlen_und_Fakten

11)   Cateyes   wrote on 2020-05-19 at 20:22:

Hill record

Stefan Kraft holds an unofficial hill record of 107 meters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQF9XZH_7kg

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