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Reddish Vale Ski Jump:

K-Punkt: 30 m
Männer Winter Schanzenrekord: 32,3 m (106 ft) (Ove Johnsen NOR, 04.03.1960)
Turmhöhe: 12 m
Weitere Schanzen: nein
Matten: nein
Baujahr: 1960
Status: abgerissen
Verein: Manchester University
Koordinaten: 53.439878, -2.137022 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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Reddish Vale befindet sich westlich von Manchester und am 3. und 4 März 1960 fanden hier zwei Sprungläufe statt, welche von zwei norwegischen Studenten der Universität Manchester organisiert worden waren. Hierzu wurde ein 12 m hohes Anlaufgerüst auf einen Damm aufgebaut, der dann den natürlich Aufsprunghügel darstellte und Kühlwägen brachten Schnee aus Devil’s Elbow in Schottland. Die Weiten lagen nur um die 30 Meter, denn der eigentliche Hintergedanke von Lars Eie und Erik Hoff war, mit diesen beiden gut besuchten Veranstaltungen (ca. 25.000 Zuschauer) Spendengelder zu sammeln, um die Aktionen des damals ausgerufenen Weltflüchtlingsjahres zu unterstützen. Gesamtsieger des Wettbewerbes war Ove Johnson (NOR), der auch den weitesten Sprung mit 106ft. (32 Metern) machte.

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10)   Rubye Winchcombe   schrieb am 01.02.2019 um 17:11:

Kommentar gelöscht (unsachlich oder beleidigend)

9)   Elijah Bonet   schrieb am 15.12.2018 um 23:40:

Kommentar gelöscht (unsachlich oder beleidigend)

8)   Don Shore   schrieb am 18.03.2018 um 20:54:

Me too!

To see a short video showing the
snow being put into place on the structure followed by the event itself see The Ski Jump:

Have a look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rn-YzH6pfLY&feature=player_embedded for film of the event and at http://www.reddishvalecountrypark.com/reddish-vale-ski-jump/4556186819 for photos

7)   Derek Jones   schrieb am 30.09.2017 um 18:56:

I was there

Just been going through some old photos and came across some I took, but couldn't remember the year. I would have been about 8.

6)   Beryl Smith   schrieb am 21.07.2014 um 20:57:

I was also there

I was only 5 years old but I remember the ski jump in reddish vale. I also had people who doubted it happened, so thanks for this article. We should celebrate the events anniversary.

5)   Laura dwyer (McGreal)   schrieb am 15.09.2013 um 01:52:

I Was There

I saw the ski jumps as a girl of 15.It was amazing, there has never been anything like it round hear.I have told peaple and my family about it but was never believed ,so now i am goinmg to show them this article and prove it did happen.

4)   Stephanie Wiggins   schrieb am 28.05.2011 um 17:09:

See Stockport Express Flickr site

I came across some photos of my father's recently and have scanned them into my computer, cleaned the up and added them to the above Flickr site. I too have suffered in the past with no-one believing me!

3)   skisprungschanzen.com   schrieb am 20.04.2011 um 12:34:

@Stephen Johns

Thank's for sharing your great story!

2)   Stephen Johns   schrieb am 20.04.2011 um 00:08:

Erik Hoff

A couple of weeks ago in April, 2011 whilst hut touring in Femundsmarka, Norway I met Erik Hoff who told me of his mad cap idea for this event whilst he was studying at Manchester University. Erik, who must now be in his seventies, is still skiing and told me that he had this idea after perhaps too many pints. He told me that they organised the snow to be brought from Scotland in trains in the days when British Rail could perhaps do this sort of thing for nothing more easily than now. They also brought over the Norwegian Ski Jumping Team to put on the show. He recalls that the organisation of the event was far bigger than he had imagined and he had little time to see any of the jumping. An expert jumper himself, he says that he did manage a few spare moments to do one jump but that in his haste he forgot to do up his boots. As he took off he flew through the air minus his skis and boots landing in great pain head first. He didn’t seem to mind too much as the crowd thought that it was all part of the entertainment. His objective was achieved with a large photo of the jumping on the front page of (I think) The Manchester Guardian. He told me that he did have thoughts of celebrating the 50 year anniversary of the event but so far nothing has become of it.

1)   Judith Ridgway   schrieb am 31.12.2010 um 19:58:

Thought I'd dream't it.

I had a memory off sitting with my friend on a hill in Reddish Vale, "watching ski jumping".We were about 13 years of age.I have related this memory to many a person in this area (DENTON..REDDISH), but they do not have any recollection at all.I realy did start to think I had dreamt it!! Just to have found this info on your site is fantastic. The friend with me was a daughter of the local farmer so we got access via their fields.To bring the snow from Scotland in vans!! What an achievment.Thank's for confirming it did happen. 50 years on and it takes some beating as an unusual event too just happen in what is now called Greater Manchester.Yours with thank's Judith Ridgway

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