Warning: Undefined array key 6 in /customers/0/2/4/skisprungschanzen.com/httpd.www/source/address.php on line 199 Wolverine Hill, Ironwood  »  Ski Jumping Hill Archive  »  skisprungschanzen.com

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Wolverine Hill

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Wolverine Hill:

K-Point: 66 m
Men Winter Hill record: 68.0 m (223 ft) (Steve Sydow USA, 1983)
Further jumps: K35, K25, K13
Conversions: 1975
Operating until: 1995
K66 (1975-1995)K60 (1935-1963)

Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1935
Conversions: 1975
Operating until: 1995
Status: destroyed
Ski club: Gogebic Range Ski Club, Wolverine Nordic Ski Club
Coordinates: 46.489966, -90.113037 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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The Wolverine Hill ski jumping hill was built in 1935 in order to replace Curry Hill, which had been destroyed in 1930. Already then Gogebic Range Ski Club (which is now Copper Peak Inc.) wanted to revive the glorious history of Curry Hill and build a world record braking hill. However, first only a 60 meter ski jumping hill were built. Apart from the World War II years, the hill had been used for ski jumping tournament every winter. In 1942 Torger Tokle set a hill record of 216 feet, which had been unbeated until the hill was destroyed by a storm in 1963.
The ski jump remained unused until the mid-1960s, when a group of people decided to use some of the remains of the old ski jump to try to build a smaller version of the previous facility. The reconstruction of the ski jump cost about $20,000.
In the meantime, a new ski jump Copper Peak was built in 1969. Only in 1975 Wolverine Hill was re-constructed as a ski jumping training center with four hills. It had been in use until 1995, but was then shut down due to declining levels of interest in ski jumping. Today Wolverine Nordic Ski Club is still operating an extensive network of cross-country and snow shoe trail network. Furthermore, Big Powderhorn ski resort is located not far from the former ski jumping hills.

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Hill records K66 (Men):

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4)   R.Karvonen   wrote on 2020-01-29 at 17:32:

Remember Henry Hanson. Ended each ski tournament with a summersault.

3)   Henry Shackleford   wrote on 2018-10-06 at 03:33:

There are some remains of the facility

Although Wolverine Hill is now defunct, some wooden structures from the old ski jumps still exist at the top of the hill. They can be clearly seen from the bottom.

2)   Charles Supercynski   wrote on 2016-01-28 at 02:46:

President, Copper Peak Inc.

The four photos shown are NOT of Wolverine Hill. Wolverine Hill was built in 1935 and blew down in 1963. Torger Tokle set the record at 216 feet in 1942. Wolverine Hill was rebuilt in 1975 and Steve Sydow of Duluth,MN set a record of 223 ft. in 1983. Ragnar Omtvedt did not ski Wolverine. He set a world record on Curry Hill in 1913

1)   john leppanen   wrote on 2013-04-01 at 23:13:

I believe the record jump was closer to 216'. Set some time in the early 50s

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