Warning: Undefined array key 5 in /customers/0/2/4/skisprungschanzen.com/httpd.www/source/address.php on line 225 Olympiaschanze, St. Moritz  »  Ski Jumping Hill Archive  »  skisprungschanzen.com

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SUISUI-05St. Moritz


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Projekt Olympiaschanze:

Hill Size: HS 106
K-Point: 95 m
Further jumps: HS 67 (K60), K47, K17
Year of construction: 2015
Status: project not realized


Hill Size: HS 100
K-Point: 95 m
Men Winter Hill record: 105.5 m (Thomas Thurnbichler AUT, 2004-03-21, FIS)
Women Winter Hill record: 95.0 m (Heli Pomell FIN, 1998-01-22, JWSC)
Take-off angle: 11°
Take-off height: 1.7 m
Landing angle: 36.4°
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 46.474279, 9.825205 Google Maps OpenStreetMap


Hill Size: HS 65
K-Point: 61 m
Men Winter Hill record: 66.0 m (Sandro Hauswirth SUI, 2012-12-01)
66.0 m (Tobias Birchler SUI, 2012-12-02)
Women Winter Hill record: 54.0 m (Gianina Ernst GER, 2012-12-01)
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 46.474925, 9.824987 Google Maps OpenStreetMap


Hill Size: HS 33
K-Point: 30 m
Men Winter Hill record: 30.5 m (Dario Krumenacher SUI, 2012-12-02)
Women Winter Hill record: 29.5 m (Charlotte Sutter SUI, 2012-12-01)
Status: out of order
Coordinates: 46.475176, 9.825506 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 15 m
Status: operating
Coordinates: 46.475395, 9.825530 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1926
Conversions: 1947, 1965, 1974, 1990 & 1993
Year of destruction: 2014
Ski club: SC Alpina St. Moritz
Coordinates: 46.474279, 9.825205 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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There have been ski jumping activities at St. Moritz already since 1895, among others on 1905 constructed Julierschanze.
The 1926 completely new-built Olympiaschanze was con­struc­ted at another place, in the suburb St. Moritz Bad. The old Julierschanze at the beginning of the village rested until the end of 1950’s and was used for practising and entertainment of visitors and tourists. Still today the very last bits of the hill are recognisable.
The opening of 70 meter Olympiaschanze, which was constructed by hill architect Robert Staumann, was on 1927-01-20 and one year later it hosted of the Olympic ski jumping competition which was won the Norwegian Alf Andersen.
In 1948 the Olympic Winter Games took place a second time and again a Norwegian was the winner – Petter Hugstedt. In 1963 the hill record was at 73.5 m, held by Harry Glaß (GER). Over the years the jumping hill has enlarged step by step and today the K-Point is at 95 metres. Snow falls on the jump very early, because of the altitude and consequently it is used by many ski jumping nations for the practising before the season starts. Since many years there has been the traditional Christmas competition on December 26th which is also part of the Continental Cup challenge.
In November 2002 an anniversary competition was made and at the same time the 100 years of the SC Alpina were celebrated. The ski jumping facility also includes the K61-Falcun-Schanze, the K38-Speret-Schanze and the K15-Kinderschanze.
In 2006 serious doubts about the future of Olympiaschanze came up, because it had become very dilapidated. Consequently the 95th traditional Christmas competition in 2006 was cancelled and the ski jump was closed.
After thoughts about an enlargement into an 140 meter hill had come up, meanwhile the plans were changed back to an HS 106 normal hill. Furthermore three junior hills shall be build until 2015-2016, in order to revive as a training center for Swiss and international ski jumpers. In November 2013 the citizens of St. Moritz voted in favor of the new-construction plans of the ski jumping facility with costs of 11.5 million Franks, which might even return as a World Cup stage. Works on the Olympic hill and smaller Falcun hills, which were designed by local architect Arnd Küchel, shall start in October 2014 and be completed by end of 2015 to have back the Christmas competitions in St. Moritz. However, the construction works came to a rest due to various reasons and even the completion of the ski jumping center is uncertain.

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Hill records K95 (Men):

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Hill records K61 (Men):

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8)   Peter Van Hal   wrote on 2020-04-15 at 17:40:


We held a championchip around 3 january 1993 in St Moritz on the K60
I have a foto of the podium and i have pictures on vhs video-tape

We also held a competition in 1995 after Garmisch around 4-5-6 january in Oberwiesenthal

7)   borek99   wrote on 2020-02-18 at 17:07:


Aren't you writing about 1993 event - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Siegerehrung_NK_1993.jpg ? https://www.langlaufpagina.nl/10000096c8129f319/10000096be0be6e1c/ says that 1992 Dutch Championships was won by Homan but locate it in Isny not Sankt Moritz

6)   skisprungschanzen.com   wrote on 2020-02-18 at 15:51:

@Peter Van Hal / 1992 NED

Vielen Dank für die Information. Wissen Sie vielleicht auch noch, wann genau der Wettkampf statt fand?

5)   Peter Van Hal   wrote on 2020-02-17 at 19:50:

1992 NED stimmt nicht

Maarten Homan war kein meister auf de K60 Schanze!,,

1 Peter van Hal
2 Richard Jansen
3 Jarno Bor

4)   Mike   wrote on 2014-10-30 at 17:09:


Missing the following ladie's hill records:

Monika Pogladič record jumps 81,0 m 19.3.2004 and 84,0 m 20.3.2004 in FIS Race competition



(Record holders spelling? Hiroshi Jtagaki=Hiroshi Itagaki and Charlotte Sutter=Charlotte Suter)



3)   Kurt   wrote on 2013-11-26 at 22:38:


Super dass St Moritz wieder eine Schanze bekommt, warum nicht gleich eine Grossschanze?

2)   Helmut   wrote on 2013-11-25 at 00:59:


Hallo erst mal. Bin auf der Schanze auch schon gesprungen und habe dort im Jahre 1985 meinen eigenen Record von 96m aufgestellt. Danke St. Moritz für die Tolle woche dort.

1)   greg   wrote on 2013-07-05 at 23:19:

szanse na nową skocznię

Wrócił pomysł na budowę dwóch nowych skoczni w St. Moritz - HS-106 i HS-67. Większość kosztów pokryć ma gmina St. Moritz, ale w tym celu mieszkańcy mają się wypowiedzieć w referendum. Jeśli wynik będzie pozytywny, to ruszy budowa i skocznie mają być gotowe w 2015 roku. Szwajcarski związek chce ubiegać się o organizację na skoczni HS-106 pierwszego konkursu z cyklu zimowego Pucharu Świata, ze stałym terminem pod koniec listopada.

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